Summary of Eugene-Springfield PM-10 Attainment Plan
The area within the Eugene-Springfield Urban Growth Boundary was designated nonattainment for PM10 and classified as moderate upon enactment of the Clean Air Act Amendments in 1990.
Oregon submitted a PM10 attainment plan on November 15, 1991, and EPA approved the plan on August 24, 1994 (59 FR 43483 (PDF)(7 pp, 1 MB, About PDF)).
On November 5, 1999, Oregon submitted a complete rule renumbering and relabeling package to EPA for approval in the SIP. On January 22, 2003, EPA approved the recodified version of Oregon's rules to remove and replace the outdated numbering system (68 FR 2891 (PDF)(19 pp, 204 K)). The following list refers to the currently approved SIP rules.
The plan relies on control strategies needed to assure attainment of the PM10 National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). The strategy focuses on control of residential wood combustion, backyard burning, and unpaved roads. Additional reductions are expected from statewide efforts to reduce slash burning smoke.
- LRAPA 16-001 to 170 - Home Wood Heating Curtailment Program Enforcement
Ordinances for Mandatory Woodburning Curtailment Program
- Lane County Ordinance No. 9-90, December 19, 1990, restricting use of solid fuel space heating devices during Air Pollution Episodes.
- City of Eugene Ordinance No. 19731, November 5, 1990, restricting use of solid fuel space heating devices during Air Pollution Episodes.
- City of Springfield Ordinance No. 5546, December 17, 1990, restricting use of solid fuel space heating devices during Air Pollution Episodes.
Contingency Measures
- OAR 340-262-0200 to 0250 - Mandatory Wood Smoke Curtailment Program
- OAR 340-262-0300 to 0330 - Uncertified Woodstove Removal
- OAR 340-23-090 - Banning of all Open Burning in the Rogue Basin Open Burning Control Area during November, December, January and February of each year
- LRAPA 39-001 to 060 - Contingency for PM Sources in Eugene-Springfield nonattainment area
EPA Effective Date
October 24, 1994