Summary of Lakeview PM-10 Attainment Plan
The Lakeview, Oregon, Urban Growth Boundary was designated “unclassifiable” for PM10 upon enactment of the Clear Air Act Amendments in 1990 due to a lack of air quality monitoring data. The State of Oregon subsequently conducted monitoring in the Lakeview area to verify PM10 concentrations to determine if its designation status should be revised.
EPA redesignated Lakeview as nonattainment for PM10 and classified it as moderate effective December 25, 1993 (58 FR 49931 (PDF)(2 pp, 167 K, About PDF)).
Oregon submitted a PM10 attainment plan on June 1, 1995 and EPA approved the plan on September 21, 1999 (64 FR 51051 (PDF)(10 pp, 224 K)).
On November 5, 1999, Oregon submitted a complete rule renumbering and relabeling package to EPA for approval in the SIP. On January 22, 2003, EPA approved the recodified version of Oregon's rules to remove and replace the outdated numbering system (68 FR 2891 (PDF)(19 pp, 205 K)). The following list refers to the currently approved SIP rules.
The plan relies on control strategies needed to assure attainment of the PM10 National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). The strategy focuses on control of residential wood combustion, fugitive dust, residential open burning and wood products emissions. Other strategies include the management of future growth in industrial emissions through Oregon’s New Source Review Program. Non-industrial strategies are implemented through a comprehensive and cooperative program between state officials and the town of Lakeview, including local ordinances adopted by the Lakeview Town Council and the Lake County Board of Commissioners.
- OAR 34-20-047 - Repealed January 22, 2003 (68 FR 2891)
- OAR 340-21-010 - Special Control Areas
- OAR 340-200-0020 - General Air Quality Definitions
- OAR 340-224-0050 - Requirements for Sources in Nonattainment Areas
- OAR 340-226-0200 to 0210 - Grain Loading Standards
- OAR 340-240-0400 to 0440 - Lakeview Urban Growth Area
- OAR 340-262-0030 to 0040 - Ban on Used Woodstove Sales
- OAR 340-262-0100 to 0130 - Woodstove Certification Program
- Ostrander Construction Company Freemont Sawmill ACDP No. 19-0002, April 29, 1998
Interagency Commitments
- OAR 629-43-043 - Forestry Smoke Management Plan
- Winter Road Sanding Program
Town of Lakeview Air Quality Ordinances
- Resolution No. 402 - Establishment of a Lakeview Air Quality Improvement Program, February 28, 1995.
- Ordinance No. 748 - An Ordinance Prohibiting the use of Solid Fuel Burning Devices; Providing Certain Exemptions and Establishing Enforcement Controls, February 28, 1995.
- Ordinance No. 749 - An Ordinance Prohibiting the Burning of Waste; Restricting Open Burning and Repealing Ordinance No. 581, February 28, 1995.
Lake County Air Quality Ordinances
- Ordinance No. 29 - An Ordinance Prohibiting the use of Solid Fuel Burning Devices; Providing Certain Exemptions and Establishment Enforcement Controls, March 15, 1995.
- Ordinance No. 30 - An Ordinance Prohibiting the Burning of Waste and Restricting Open Burning, March 15, 1995.
Contingency Measures
- OAR 340-262-0200 to 0250 - Mandatory Curtailment Authority
- OAR 340-262-0300 to 0330 - Woodstove Removal on Home Sale
- Mandatory Forest Slash Burning Program
EPA Effective Date
November 22, 1999