* Agency: PA-Department of Environmental Protection
* Regulation Type: Rule
* Rule # : Pennsylvania SIP, Chapter 121.1 Definitions
* Rule Title: General Provisions
* State Effective Date: 04/23/2016
* Final Federal Register Date: 05/09/2019
* Federal Register Citation #: 84 FR 202074
Superseded /
Rescinded Date
121.1 was amended with added and amended defintions.
1. A SIP revision published on 9/29/06 approved a series of definitions with a State effective date of 12/11/04 (71 FR 57428); The SIP-effective date is 10/30/06.
2. The definition of "Vintage or vintage year" is added. The SIP effective date is 12/10/09.
3. The definition of "Coating line" is added; the terms "Coating" and "Paper coating" are amended. The State effective date is 11/20/10, and the SIP effective date is 6/22/11 (76 FR 29649).
4. Eighteen (18) definitions associated with Section 129.52c are added. The State effective date 12/18/10 and the SIP effective date is 7/5/2011 (6/2/11, 76 FR 31856).
5. Definitions associated with the control of NOx emissions from glass melting furnaces are added (see separate file). The State effective date is 6/19/10 and the SIP effective date is 9/21/11 (76 FR 52283).
6. Definitions associated with the contol of PM emissions from wood-fired boilers. The State effective date is 10/2/10 and the SIP effective date is 10/20/11 (76 FR 58114).
7. Definitions associated with the Pennsylvania Clean Vehicles Program. The State effective date is 12/9/06, and the SIP effective date is 2/23/12 (77 FR 3386).
8. Definitions associated with Pennsylvania's Nonattainment New Source Review Program. The State effective date is 5/19/07, and the SIP effective date is 6/13/12 (77 FR 28261).
9. Definitions associated with Pennsylvania's Nonattainment New Source Review Program. The State effective date is 9/3/11 and the SIP effectvie date is 8/13/12.
10. Definitions associated with Chapter 130, Subsection D (Adhesives, Sealants, Primers and Solvents). The SIP effective date is 10/26/12. 77 FR 59090.
11. 80 FR 36481 adds and amends Definitions for Adoption of Control Technique Guidelines from Offset Lithographic Printing and Letterpress printing, Flexible Package Printing, and Adhesives, Sealants, Primers and Solvents SIP effective 07/27/2015. State effective date 6-28-2014
12. Adds definitions for the terms “condensable particulate matter” and “filterable particulate matter.” 81 FR 50358 SIP effective 8-31-16. State effective 4-12-2014...Note previous action (#11) has newer state effective date
13. Revises the following definitions: ‘‘CEMS—Continuous emission monitoring system,’’ ‘‘Major NOX emitting facility,’’ ‘‘Major VOC emitting facility,’’ and ‘‘Stationary internal combustion engine or stationary reciprocating internal combustion engine.’’ Adds new definitions for the following terms: ‘‘Process heater,’’ ‘‘Refinery gas,’’ ‘‘Regenerative cycle combustion turbine,’’ ‘‘Simple cycle combustion turbine,’’ and ‘‘Stationary combustion turbine.’’ State effective 4/23/16....federally effective 6/10/19. 84 FR 20274 dated 5/9/2019.
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Pennsylvania SIP, Chapter 121.1 Definitions (PDF)(62 pp, 945 K)
Pennsylvania SIP, Chapter 121.1 Definitions