State: Pennsylvania
Agency: Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Regulation Type: Rule
Rule #: Chapter 139, Subchapter C, Sections 139.101, 139.102, 139.103 and 139.111
Rule Title: Sampling and Testing - Requirements for Source Monitoring for Stationary Sources
State Effective Date: 03/07/1998
Final Federal Register Date: 06/11/2002
Federal Register Citation #: 67 FR 39854
Superseded / Rescinded Date:
State Effective dates of SIP rule:
139.101- 3/7/1998
139.102 & 139.103- 11/26/1994 (approved by EPA 7/30/96, 61 FR 39597)
Pennsylvania SIP, Sampling and Testing - Requirements for Source Monitoring for Stationary Sources (PDF)(4 pp, 69 K,
Pennsylvania SIP, Sampling and Testing - Requirements for Source Monitoring for Stationary Sources