* State: Pennsylvania
* Agency: PA-Department of Environmental Protection
* Regulation Type: Source Specific Requirement
* Rule #: 40 CFR Part 52, Subpart NN, Section 52.2020(d)(2)
* Rule Title: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Emission Trading Programs National Can Co.
* State Effective Date: 03/01/1985
* Final Federal Register Date: 04/21/1988
* Federal Register Citation #: 53 FR 13121
Superseded /
Rescinded Date
Comments: (c) (68) transfer of offsets
PA SIP, Source Specific Requirement National Can co. Fres-co Systems, USA Inc Paramount Packaging Corp (PDF)(4 pp, 4 MB,
PA SIP, Source Specific Requirement National Can co. Fres-co Systems, USA Inc Paramount Packaging Corp