State: Pennsylvania
Agency: Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Regulation Type: Rule
Rule #: Chapter 129, Section 129.11 through 129.16 and 129.18
Rule Title: Standards for Sources- Miscellaneous Sources
State Effective Date: 10/27/1990
Final Federal Register Date: 06/30/1993
Federal Register Citation #: 58 FR 34911
Superseded / Rescinded Date:
Comments: Emission standards for nitric acid plants, sulfuric acid plants, sulfur recovery plants, open burning operations (state effective date: 8/9/76), coke ovens- pushing operations and door maintenance, and municipal waste incinerators.
Pennsylvania SIP, Standards for Sources- Miscellaneous Sources (PDF)(7 pp, 76 K,
Pennsylvania SIP, Standards for Sources- Miscellaneous Sources