State: Pennsylvania
Agency: Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Regulation Type: Rule
Rule #: Chapter 129, Section 129.77
Rule Title: Standards for Sources- Sources of VOCs- Control of emissions from the use or application of adhesives, sealants, primers and solvents.
State Effective Date: 06/28/2014
Final Federal Register Date: 06/25/2015
Federal Register Citation #: 80 FR 36481
Superseded / Rescinded Date:
1. The SIP effective date is 10/26/12 - 77 FR 59090.
2. 80 FR 36481 amended 129.77(k)
Pennsylvania SIP, Standards for Sources- Sources of VOCs- Control of emissions from the use or application of adhesives, sealants, primers and solvents. (PDF)(10 pp, 323 K,
Pennsylvania SIP, Standards for Sources- Sources of VOCs- Control of emissions from the use or application of adhesives, sealants, primers and solvents.