State: Pennsylvania
Agency: Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Regulation Type: Rule
Rule #: Chapter 129, Section 129.52d
Rule Title: Pennsylvania SIP, Standards for Sources- Sources of VOC's- Control of VOCs from Miscellaneous Metal Parts Surface Coating Processes, Misc. Plastic Parts Surface Coating Processes and Pleasure Craft Surface Coatings
State Effective Date: 10/22/2016
Final Federal Register Date: 08/10/2018
Federal Register Citation #: 83 FR 39600
Superseded / Rescinded Date:
Comments: The SIP effective date is 9/10/2018 - 83 FR 39600. New section 129.52d is added. This section does not remove or replace any ermits approved under 52.2020(d).
Pennsylvania SIP, Standards for Sources- Sources of VOC's- Control of VOCs from Miscellaneous Metal Parts Surface Coating Processes, Misc. Plastic Parts Surface Coating Processes and Pleasure Craft Surface Coatings (PDF)(26 pp, 495 K)
Pennsylvania SIP, Standards for Sources- Sources of VOC's- Control of VOCs from Miscellaneous Metal Parts Surface Coating Processes, Misc. Plastic Parts Surface Coating Processes and Pleasure Craft Surface Coatings