Regulatory Text:
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Chapter 116 - Control of Air Pollution by Permits for New Construction or Modification
SIP effective November 13, 2020 (TXd227).
As approved by EPA October 14, 2020 (85 FR 64966), docket EPA-R06-OAR-2020-0159 [TX218].
List of Sections:
The date after each section title is the TCEQ adoption date.
§116.710 Applicability 7/15/2020, 6-91, TXd227
§116.711 Flexible Permit Application 7/2/2014, 6-87, TXd172
SIP includes only 116.711(1), (2)(A), (B) and (C)(i) and (ii),
(D)- (J), and (L) - (N).
§116.714 Application Review Schedule 6/17/1998, 6-48, TXd155
§116.715 General and Special Conditions 7/2/2014, 6-87, TXd172
SIP includes only 116.715(a) - (e) and (f)(1) and (2)(B).
§116.716 Emission Caps and Individual Emission Limitations 7/2/2014, 6-87, TXd172
§116.717 Implementation Schedule for Additional Controls 7/2/2014, 6-87, TXd172
§116.718 Significant Emission Increase 7/2/2014, 6-87, TXd172
§116.720 Limitation on Physical and Operational Changes 12/14/2010, 6-80, TXd172
§116.721 Amendments and Alterations 7/15/2020, 6-91, TXd227
§116.722 Distance Limitations 8/9/2000, 6-54, TXd155
§116.740 Public Notice and Comment 12/14/2010, 6-80, TXd172
SIP includes only 116.740(a).
§116.750 Flexible Permit Fee 12/14/2010, 6-80, TXd172
§116.760 Flexible Permit Renewal 10/11/1994, 6-34, TXd155
§116.765 Compliance Schedule 7/2/2014, 6-87, TXd172
**end TX Chap 116 Subchapter G List of Sections**SIP eff November 13, 2020**ay3**
TXch116scG Flexible Permits SIP eff Nov 13 2020 TXd227 ay3 (PDF)(21 pp, 626 K)
TXch116scG Flexible Permits SIP eff Nov 13 2020 TXd227 ay3