Regulatory Text:
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Chapter 116 - Control of Air Pollution by Permits for New Construction or Modification
SIP effective August 19, 2015 (TXd172) to November 12, 2020.
As approved by EPA July 20, 2015 (80 FR 42727), docket EPA-R06-OAR-2013-0542 [TX153].
List of Sections:
The date after each section title is the TCEQ adoption date.
§116.710 Applicability 7/2/2014, 6-87, TXd172
§116.711 Flexible Permit Application 7/2/2014, 6-87, TXd172
SIP includes only 116.711(1), (2)(A), (B) and (C)(i) and (ii),
(D)- (J), and (L) - (N).
§116.714 Application Review Schedule 6/17/1998, 6-48, TXd155
§116.715 General and Special Conditions 7/2/2014, 6-87, TXd172
SIP includes only 116.715(a) - (e) and (f)(1) and (2)(B).
§116.716 Emission Caps and Individual Emission Limitations 7/2/2014, 6-87, TXd172
§116.717 Implementation Schedule for Additional Controls 7/2/2014, 6-87, TXd172
§116.718 Significant Emission Increase 7/2/2014, 6-87, TXd172
§116.720 Limitation on Physical and Operational Changes 12/14/2010, 6-80, TXd172
§116.721 Amendments and Alterations 7/2/2014, 6-87, TXd172
§116.722 Distance Limitations 8/9/2000, 6-54, TXd155
§116.740 Public Notice and Comment 12/14/2010, 6-80, TXd172
SIP includes only 116.740(a).
§116.750 Flexible Permit Fee 12/14/2010, 6-80, TXd172
§116.760 Flexible Permit Renewal 10/11/1994, 6-34, TXd155
§116.765 Compliance Schedule 7/2/2014, 6-87, TXd172
**end Chap 116 Subchapter G List of Sections**TXd172**v99**
TXch116scG Flexible Permits SIP eff Aug 19 2015 TXd172 to Nov 12 2020 ay3 (PDF)(19 pp, 422 K)
TXch116scG Flexible Permits SIP eff Aug 19 2015 TXd172 to Nov 12 2020