Texas 30 TAC Chapter 39, Subchapter H, Section 39.405 General Notice Provisions, SIP effective June 8, 2018 (TXd206)
Regulatory Text:
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
39 Chapter 39 – Public Notice
39H Section 39.405 General Notice Provisions
As approved by EPA May 9, 2018 (83 FR 21178), SIP effective June 8, 2018 (TXd206).
SIP includes 39.405(f)(3) and (g), (h)(2)-(h)(4), (h)(6), (h)(8)-(h)(11), (i) and (j),
As adopted by TCEQ December 9, 2015 effective December 31, 2015 (39-V),
Submitted to EPA February 21, 2017 (TX-402),
Regulations.gov document EPA-R06-OAR-2017-0124-0006 [TX198.06],
SIP includes 39.405(h)(1)(A) as adopted by TCEQ June 2, 2010 effective June 24, 2010 (39-T),
Submitted to EPA July 2, 2010 (TX-297),
Regulations.gov document EPA-R06-OAR-2010-0612-0005 [TX109.05].
Approved by EPA May 9, 2018 (83 FR 21178), SIP effective June 8, 2018 (TXd206),
Regulations.gov document EPA-R06-OAR-2017-0124-0016 [TX198.16].
SIP includes 39.405(f)(3) and (g), (h)(2)-(h)(4), (h)(6), (h)(8)-(h)(11), (i) and (j) as adopted on 12/9/2015.
SIP includes 39.405(h)(1)(A) as adopted on 6/2/2010.
§39.405. General Notice Provisions.
(f) Published notice. When this chapter requires notice to be published under this subsection:
(3) air quality permit applications required by Subchapters H and K of this chapter (relating to Applicability and General Provisions and Public Notice of Air Quality Permit Applications, respectively) to publish notice shall comply with the requirements of §39.603 of this title (relating to Newspaper Notice).
(g) Copy of application. The applicant shall make a copy of the application available for review and copying at a public place in the county in which the facility is located or proposed to be located. If the application is submitted with confidential information marked as confidential by the applicant, the applicant shall indicate in the public file that there is additional information in a confidential file. The copy of the application must comply with the following.
(1) A copy of the administratively complete application must be available for review and copying beginning on the first day of newspaper publication of Notice of Receipt of Application and Intent to Obtain Permit and remain available for the publications' designated comment period.
(2) A copy of the complete application (including any subsequent revisions to the application) and executive director's preliminary decision must be available for review and copying beginning on the first day of newspaper publication required by this section and remain available until the commission has taken action on the application or the commission refers issues to State Office of Administrative Hearings; and
(3) where applicable, for air quality permit applications filed on or after June 24, 2010, the applicant shall also make available the executive director's draft permit, preliminary determination summary and air quality analysis for review and copying beginning on the first day of newspaper publication required by §39.419 of this title (relating to Notice of Application and Preliminary Decision) and remain available until the commission has taken action on the application or the commission refers issues to State Office of Administrative Hearings.
(h) Alternative language newspaper notice.
(1) Applicability. The following are subject to this subsection:
Paragraph (h)(1)(A) as adopted on TCEQ 6/2/2010,
Regulations.gov document EPA-R06-OAR-2010-0612-0005 [TX109.05].
(A) Air quality permit applications that are declared administratively complete by the executive director on or after September 1, 1999, are subject to this subsection; and
(2) This subsection applies whenever notice is required to be published under §39.418 or §39.419 of this title, and either the elementary or middle school nearest to the facility or proposed facility is required to provide a bilingual education program as required by Texas Education Code, Chapter 29, Subchapter B, and 19 TAC §89.1205(a) (relating to Required Bilingual Education and English as a Second Language Programs) and one of the following conditions is met:
(A) students are enrolled in a program at that school;
(B) students from that school attend a bilingual education program at another location; or
(C) the school that otherwise would be required to provide a bilingual education program has been granted an exception from the requirements to provide the program as provided for in 19 TAC §89.1207(a) (relating to Exceptions and Waivers).
(3) Elementary or middle schools that offer English as a second language under 19 TAC §89.1205(e), and are not otherwise affected by 19 TAC §89.1205(a), will not trigger the requirements of this subsection.
(4) The notice must be published in a newspaper or publication that is published primarily in the alternative languages in which the bilingual education program is or would have been taught, and the notice must be in those languages.
(6) For notice required to be published in a newspaper or publication under §39.603 of this title, relating to air quality permits, the newspaper or publication must be of general circulation in the municipality or county in which the facility is located or is proposed to be located, and the notice must be published as follows.
(A) One notice must be published in the public notice section of the newspaper and must comply with the applicable portions of §39.411 of this title (relating to Text of Public Notice).
(B) Another notice with a total size of at least six column inches, with a vertical dimension of at least three inches and a horizontal dimension of at least two column widths, or a size of at least 12 square inches, must be published in a prominent location elsewhere in the same issue of the newspaper. This notice must contain the following information:
(i) permit application number;
(ii) company name;
(iii) type of facility;
(iv) description of the location of the facility; and
(v) a note that additional information is in the public notice section of the same issue.
(8) The requirements of this subsection are waived for each language in which no publication exists, or if the publishers of all alternative language publications refuse to publish the notice. If the alternative language publication is published less frequently than once a month, this notice requirement may be waived by the executive director on a case-by-case basis.
(9) Notice under this subsection will only be required to be published within the United States.
(10) Each alternative language publication must follow the requirements of this chapter that are consistent with this subsection.
(11) If a waiver is received under this subsection on an air quality permit application, the applicant shall complete a verification and submit it as required under §39.605(3) of this title (relating to Notice to Affected Agencies). If a waiver is received under this subsection on a waste or water quality application, the applicant shall complete a verification and submit it to the chief clerk and the executive director.
(i) Failure to publish notice of air quality permit applications. If the chief clerk prepares a newspaper notice that is required by Subchapters H and K of this chapter for air quality permit applications and the applicant does not cause the notice to be published within 45 days of mailing of the notice from the chief clerk, or, for Notice of Receipt of Application and Intent to Obtain Permit, within 30 days after the executive director declares the application administratively complete, or fails to submit the copies of notices or affidavit required in subsection (j) of this section, the executive director may cause one of the following actions to occur.
(1) The chief clerk may cause the notice to be published and the applicant shall reimburse the agency for the cost of publication.
(2) The executive director may suspend further processing or return the application. If the application is resubmitted within six months of the date of the return of the application, it will be exempt from any application fee requirements.
(j) Notice and affidavit for air quality permit applications. When Subchapters H and K of this chapter require an applicant for an air quality permit action to publish notice, the applicant must file a copy of the published notice and a publisher's affidavit with the chief clerk certifying facts that constitute compliance with the requirement. The deadline to file a copy of the published notice which shows the date of publication and the name of the newspaper is ten business days after the last date of publication. The deadline to file the affidavit is 30 calendar days after the last date of publication for each notice. Filing an affidavit certifying facts that constitute compliance with notice requirements creates a rebuttable presumption of compliance with the requirement to publish notice. When the chief clerk publishes notice under subsection (i) of this section, the chief clerk shall file a copy of the published notice and a publisher's affidavit.
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