Texas 30 TAC Chapter 39, Subchapter K, Section 39.602. Mailed Notice, SIP effective February 5, 2014 (TXd146) and June 8, 2018 (TXd206)
Regulatory Text:
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
39 Chapter 39 – Public Notice
39K Section 39.602. Mailed Notice.
Approved by EPA January 6, 2014 (79 FR 00551) effective February 5, 2014 (TXd146),
As adopted by TCEQ June 2, 2010, effective June 24, 2010 (39-T),
Submitted to EPA July 2, 2010 (TX-297),
Regulations.gov document EPA-R06-OAR-2010-0612-0005 [TX109.05].
Approved by EPA January 6, 2014 (79 FR 00551) effective February 5, 2014 (TXd146),
Regulations.gov document EPA-R06-OAR-2010-0612-0020 [TX109.20].
Explanation added by EPA May 9, 2013 (83 FR 21178), SIP effective June 8, 2018 (TXd206),
Regulations.gov docket EPA-R06-OAR-2017-0124-0016 [TX198.16].
Explanation: SIP does not include 39.602(c) adopted on 12/9/2015.
§39.602. Mailed Notice.
(a) When this chapter requires notice for air quality permit applications, the chief clerk shall mail notice to:
(l) the applicant;
(2) persons on a relevant mailing list kept under §39.407 of this title (relating to Mailing Lists);
(3) persons who filed public comment or hearing requests on or before the deadline for filing public comment or hearing requests; and
(4) any other person the executive director or chief clerk may elect to include.
(b) When Notice of Receipt of Application and Intent to Obtain Permit is required, mailed notice shall be sent to the state senator and representative who represent the area in which the facility is or will be located.
Adopted June 2, 2010, effective June 24, 2010
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