Texas SIP: 30 TAC 101.13: Use and Effect of Rules
Regulatory Text:
§101.13. Use and Effect of Rules.
(Approved as Rule 14.)
(Section 101.13 approved by EPA as Rule 14 on 05/31/72 (37 FR 10895) at 52.2270(b) [indicated by “01" below] effective 05/31/72.)
01 These rules may be used by the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC or Commission) as guides in the exercise of discretion, where discretion is vested. They shall not be construed as a limitation or restriction on the exercise of discretion, where it exists, nor shall they be construed to deprive the Commission of the exercise of any power, duties, and jurisdiction conferred by law, or to limit or restrict the amount and character of data or information which may be required for the proper administration of the law.