Texas SIP: 30 TAC 101.18. Remedies Cumulative; SIP effective 1972-05-31
Regulatory Text:
§101.18. Remedies Cumulative.
(Approved as Rule 21.)
(Section 101.18 approved by EPA as Rule 21 on 05/31/72 (37 FR 10895) at 52.2270(b) [indicated by “01" below] effective 05/31/72.)
01 The administrative and judicial procedures available to the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC or Commission) to prevent, correct, or remedy air pollution conditions or violations are cumulative. Within the limits of the authority set forth in the Act and these rules, the Commission or the Executive Director may act under any one or more of these procedures, as applicable to the facts of a particular air pollution condition or claimed violation.
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