Regulatory Text:
Texas Chapter 101 - General Air Quality Rules
As approved by EPA May 16, 2010 (75 FR 27647) effective June 17, 2010 (TXd113) TX091.
§101.300. Definitions. G-76, TXd81, TX012
§101.301. Purpose. G-74, TXd81, TX012
§101.302. General Provisions. G-84, TXd113, TX091
§101.303. Emission Reduction Credit Generation and Certification. G-76, TXd81, TX012
§101.304. Mobile Emission Reduction Credit Generation and Certification. G-76, TXd81, TX012
§101.305 Emissions Reductions Achieved Outside the United States. G-83, TXd113, TX091
§101.306. Emission Credit Use. G-84, TXd113, TX091
§101.309. Emission Credit Banking and Trading. G-74, TXd81, TX012
§101.311. Program Audits and Reports. G-76, TXd81, TX012
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SIP Approval Information:
§101.300. Definitions. G-76, TXd81, TX012
As adopted by TCEQ November 10, 2004 effective December 2, 2004 (G-76).
Approved by EPA September 6, 2006 (71 FR 52698) effective October 6, 2006 (TXd81) TX012.
§101.301. Purpose. . G-74, TXd81, TX012
As adopted by TCEQ December 13, 2002 effective January 17, 2003 (G-74).
Approved by EPA September 6, 2006 (71 FR 52698) effective October 6, 2006 (TXd81).
§101.302. General Provisions. G-84, TXd113, TX091
As adopted by TCEQ July 25, 2007 effective August 16, 2007 (G-84).
As approved by EPA May 18, 2010 (75 FR 27644) effective June 17, 2010 (TXd113) TX091
§101.303. Emission Reduction Credit Generation and Certification. G-76, TXd81, TX012
As adopted by TCEQ November 10, 2004 effective December 2, 2004 (G-76).
Approved by EPA September 6, 2006 (71 FR 52698) effective October 6, 2006 (TXd81) TX012.
§101.304. Mobile Emission Reduction Credit Generation and Certification. G-76, TXd81, TX012
As adopted by TCEQ November 10, 2004 effective December 2, 2004 (G-76).
Approved by EPA September 6, 2006 (71 FR 52698) effective October 6, 2006 (TXd81) TX012.
§101.305 Emissions Reductions Achieved Outside the United States. G-83, TXd113, TX091
As adopted by TCEQ October 4, 2006, effective October 26, 2006 (G-83).
As approved by EPA May 18, 2010 (75 FR 27644) effective July 17, 2010 (TXd113) TX092.
§101.306. Emission Credit Use. G-84, TXd113, TX091
As adopted by TCEQ July 25, 2007 effective August 16, 2007 (G-84).
As approved by EPA May 18, 2010 (75 FR 27644) effective June 17, 2010 (TXd113) TX091
§101.309. Emission Credit Banking and Trading. . G-74, TXd81, TX012
As adopted by TCEQ December 13, 2002 effective January 17, 2003 (G-74).
Approved by EPA September 6, 2006 (71 FR 52698) effective October 6, 2006 (TXd81) TX012.
§101.311. Program Audits and Reports. G-76, TXd81, TX012
As adopted by TCEQ November 10, 2004 effective December 2, 2004 (G-76).
Approved by EPA September 6, 2006 (71 FR 52698) effective October 6, 2006 (TXd81) TX012.
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