Regulatory Text:
Texas Chapter 101 - General Air Quality Rules
Approved by EPA January 3, 2011 (76 FR 00017) effective February 2, 2011 (TXd123) TX018. docket EPA-R06-OAR-2005-TX-0012 [Short ID: TX018]
§101.330. Definitions. G-63, TXd123, TX018
§101.331. Applicability. G-63, TXd123, TX018
§101.332. General Provisions. G-63, TXd123, TX018
§101.333. Allocation of Allowances. G-65, TXd123, TX018
§101.334. Allowance Deductions. G-63, TXd123, TX018
§101.335. Allowance Banking and Trading. G-63, TXd123, TX018
§101.336. Emission Monitoring, Compliance Demonstration, and Reporting. G-63, TXd123, TX018
§101.338. Emissions Reductions Achieved Outside the United States. G-83, TXd123, TX018
§101.339. Program Audits and Reports. G-83, TXd123, TX018
***********************end outline************************************
SIP Approval Information:
§101.330. Definitions. G-63, TXd123, TX018
Adopted by TNRCC December 16, 1999, effective January 11, 2000 (G-63)
Approved by EPA January 3, 2011 (76 FR 00017) effective February 2, 2011 (TXd123) TX018
§101.331. Applicability. G-63, TXd123, TX018
Adopted by TNRCC December 16, 1999, effective January 11, 2000 (G-63)
Approved by EPA January 3, 2011 (76 FR 00017) effective February 2, 2011 (TXd123) TX018
§101.332. General Provisions. G-63, TXd123, TX018
Adopted by TNRCC December 16, 1999, effective January 11, 2000 (G-63)
Approved by EPA January 3, 2011 (76 FR 00017) effective February 2, 2011 (TXd123) TX018
§101.333. Allocation of Allowances. G-65, TXd123, TX018
Adopted by TNRCC August 9, 2000, effective September 4, 2000 (G-65)
Approved by EPA January 3, 2011 (76 FR 00017) effective February 2, 2011 (TXd123) TX018
§101.334. Allowance Deductions. G-63, TXd123, TX018
Adopted by TNRCC December 16, 1999, effective January 11, 2000 (G-63)
Approved by EPA January 3, 2011 (76 FR 00017) effective February 2, 2011 (TXd123) TX018
§101.335. Allowance Banking and Trading. G-63, TXd123, TX018
Adopted by TNRCC December 16, 1999, effective January 11, 2000 (G-63)
Approved by EPA January 3, 2011 (76 FR 00017) effective February 2, 2011 (TXd123) TX018
§101.336. Emission Monitoring, Compliance Demonstration, and Reporting. G-63, TXd123, TX018
Adopted by TNRCC December 16, 1999, effective January 11, 2000 (G-63)
Approved by EPA January 3, 2011 (76 FR 00017) effective February 2, 2011 (TXd123) TX018
§101.338. Emissions Reductions Achieved Outside the United States. G-83, TXd123, TX018
Adopted by TCEQ October 4, 2006, effective October 26, 2006 (G-83)
Approved by EPA January 3, 2011 (76 FR 00017) effective February 2, 2011 (TXd123) TX018
§101.339. Program Audits and Reports. G-83, TXd123, TX018
Adopted by TCEQ October 4, 2006, effective October 26, 2006 (G-83)
Approved by EPA January 3, 2011 (76 FR 00017) effective February 2, 2011 (TXd123) TX018
- Texas SIP: 30 TAC 101.330-101.339: Emissions Banking and Trading of Allowances (PDF)(20 pp, 346 K, February 2, 2011)