Texas SIP: 30 TAC 111.151-111.153: Emission Limits on Nonagricultural Processes
Regulatory Text:
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Chapter 111 - Control of Air Emissions from Visible Emissions and Particulate Matter
Subchapter A : Visible Emissions and Particulate Matter
As approved by EPA January 11, 2017 effective March 21, 2017 (due to delayed
effective date) (TXd193), Regulations.gov docket EPA-R06-OAR-2014-0222
Undesignated heading PARTICULATE MATTER redesignated EMISSIONS LIMITS ON NONAGRICULTURAL PROCESSES, adopted by TACB June 16, 1989 effective July 18, 1989 (1-07), Regulations.gov document EPA-R06-OAR-2005-TX-0028-0002 [TX034-02]; moved to new Subchapter A adopted by TNRCC August 21, 1996 effective September 16, 1996 (1-17) [Regulations.gov document EPA-R06-OAR-2005-TX-0028-0004 [TX034-04]]; and redesignated Subchapter A, Division 5, adopted by TNRCC May 17, 2000 effective June 11, 2000 (1-18).
Approved by EPA April 28, 2009 (74 FR 19144) effective May 28, 2009 (TXd103), Regulations.gov docket EPA-R06-OAR-2005-TX-0028 [TX034].
NOTE: The revisions adopted by TNRCC May 17, 2000 (1-18) were never submitted to EPA as a SIP revision. In this Federal Register action, EPA approved only the new Division designations in order to be consistent with the current Texas Chapter 111 designations.
Removal of Rule 105.2 from SIP approved by EPA January 11, 2017 (82 FR 03171)
effective March 21, 2017 (due to delayed effective date) (TXd193),
Regulations.gov docket EPA-R06-OAR-2014-0222
§111.151. Allowable Emissions Limits. 1-07, TXd103
§111.153. Emissions Limits for Steam Generators. 1-07, TXd103
Rule 105.2. [Ground Level Concentrations]. 1-01, TXc01 -- NOT IN SIP effective
March 3, 2017 (1-21, TXd193)
§111.151. Allowable Emissions Limits.
1-07: As adopted by TACB June 16, 1989 effective July 18, 1989 (1-07).
Approved by EPA April 28, 2009 (74 FR 19144) effective May 28, 2009 (TXd103).
(a) No person may cause, suffer, allow, or permit emissions of particulate matter from any source to exceed the allowable rates specified in Table 1 as follows, except as provided by §111.153 of this title (relating to Emissions Limits for Steam Generators).
(b) If a source has an effective stack height less than the standard effective stack height as determined from Table 2 as follows, the allowable emission level must be reduced by multiplying it by:
Effective Stack Height
Standard Effective Stack Height
(c) Effective stack height shall be calculated by the following equation:
Te - 550
he = h + 0.83veDe[1.5 + 0.82(----------)De]
he = Effective stack height in feet (ft)
h = Physical stack height above ground level in feet (ft)
ve = Stack exit velocity in feet per second (ft/sec)
De = Stack exit inside diameter in feet (ft)
Te = Stack exit temperature in degrees Rankine (ER)
Effluent Flow Rate acfm |
Rate of Emission TSP lb/hr |
1,000 | 3.5 |
2,000 | 5.3 |
4,000 | 8.2 |
6,000 | 10.6 |
8,000 | 12.6 |
10,000 | 14.5 |
20,000 | 22.3 |
40,000 | 34.2 |
60,000 | 44.0 |
80,000 | 52.6 |
100,000 | 60.4 |
200,000 | 92.9 |
400,000 | 143.0 |
600,000 | 184.0 |
800,000 | 219.4 |
1,000,000 | 252.0 |
Interpolation and extrapolation of the data in this table shall be accomplished by the use of the equation E = 0.048(q0.62) for total suspended particulate (TSP) where E is the allowable emission rate in pounds per hour (lb/hr) and q is the stack effluent flow rate in actual cubic feet per minute (acfm).
Effluent Flow Rate acfm |
Standard Effective Stack Height ft |
1,000 | 12 |
2,000 | 15 |
4,000 | 19 |
6,000 | 22 |
8,000 | 24 |
10,000 | 26 |
20,000 | 34 |
40,000 | 43 |
60,000 | 49 |
80,000 | 55 |
100,000 | 59 |
200,000 | 75 |
400,000 | 96 |
600,000 | 110 |
800,000 | 122 |
1,000,000 | 132 |
Interpolation and extrapolation of the data in this table shall be accomplished by the use of the equation He = 1.05(q0.35) where He is the standard effective stack height in feet and q is the stack effluent flow rate in acfm.
Adopted June 16, 1989, Effective July 18, 1989 (1-07).
***end tx 111.151***1-07***EPA-R06-OAR-2005-TX-0028***TX034***TXd103***m7d***
§111.153. Emissions Limits for Steam Generators.
1-07: As adopted by TACB June 16, 1989 effective July 18, 1989 (1-07).
Approved by EPA April 28, 2009 (74 FR 19144) effective May 28, 2009 (TXd103).
(a) Section 111.151 of this title (relating to Allowable Emissions Limits) shall not apply to any oil or gas fuel-fired steam generator with a heat input greater than 2500 million British thermal units per hour or any solid fossil fuel-fired steam generator.
(b) No person may cause, suffer, allow, or permit emissions of particulate matter from any solid fossil fuel-fired steam generator to exceed 0.3 pound of total suspended particulate per million Btu heat input, averaged over a two-hour period.
(c) No person may cause, suffer, allow or permit emissions of particulate matter from any oil or gas fuel-fired steam generator with a heat input greater than 2500 million Btu per hour to exceed 0.1 pound of total suspended particulate per million Btu input averaged over a two-hour period.
Adopted June 16, 1989, Effective July 18, 1989 (1-07).
***end tx 111.153***1-07***EPA-R06-OAR-2005-TX-0028***TX034***TXd103***m7d***
Rule 105.2 [Ground Level Concentrations] NOT IN SIP effective March 3, 2017 (1-21, TXd193)
Rule 105.2 adopted by TACB January 26, 1972, effective March 5, 1972 (1-01)
Approved by EPA May 31, 1972 (37 FR 10895) at 52.2270(b) May 31, 1972 (TXc01)
TCEQ request that Rule 105.2 be removed from SIP submitted to EPA June 9, 2006 (1-21),
Regulations.gov document EPA-R06-OAR-2014-0222-0005 [TX158.05].
Approved by EPA January 11, 2017 (82 FR 03171) effective March 21, 2017 (due to
delayed effective date) (TXd193), Regulations.gov docket EPA-R06-OAR-2014-0222.
01 No person may cause, suffer, allow, or permit emissions of particulate matter from a source or sources operated on a property or from multiple sources operated on contiguous properties to exceed any of the following net ground level concentrations.
01 Rule 105.21. One hundred (100) micrograms per cubic meter (ug/m^3) of air sampled, averaged over any five (5) consecutive hours.
01 Rule 105.22. Two hundred (200) micrograms per cubic meter (ug/m^3) of air sampled, averaged over any three (3) consecutive hours.
01 Rule 105.23. Four hundred (400) micrograms per cubic meter (ug/m^3) of air sampled, averaged over any one (1) hour period.