Texas SIP: 30 TAC 111.[H] Exemptions; SIP effective 04/26/83 until May 28, 2009
Regulatory Text:
TX Chapter 111 (Reg 1) - Control of Air Pollution from Visible Emissions and
Particulate Matter; SIP effective until 2009.05.28
Section 111.81. Exemption Policy.
Section 111.82. Requirements for Exemption.
Section 111.83. Extension of Exemption.
Section 111.81. Exemption Policy.
(Approved by EPA 02/25/83 (48 FR 08073) at 52.2270(c)(50) effective 04/26/83.)
50 All portable facilities and transient operations, such as portable rock crushers but excluding portable hot-mix asphaltic concrete facilities, engaged in public work projects in any county except Dallas or Harris are exempt from the requirements of
Section 111.21 (Rule 103.1) of this title (relating to Prohibition),
Section 111.22 of this title (relating to Gas Flares),
Section 111.23 (Rule 103.3) of this title (relating to Buildings),
Section 111.24 (Rule 103.4) of this title (relating to Motor
Section 111.25 (Rule 103.5) of this title (relating to Railroad Locomotives or Ships),
Section 111.26 of this title (relating to Stationary Flues),
Section 111.27 (Rule 103.7) of this title (relating to Contributions from Uncombined Water), and
Sections 111.51 - 111.53 (Rule 105) of this title (relating to Particulate Matter)
if the conditions of 111.82 (relating to Requirements for Exemption)
are met.
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Section 111.82. Requirements for Exemption.
(Approved by EPA 02/25/83 (48 FR 08073) at 52.2270(c)(50) effective 04/26/83.)
(a) The facility is located at least one mile outside the nearest corporate limits of any city or town.
(b) The facility is located at least one mile from any recreational area or any occupied building other than that located on the same property as the facility.
(c) The facility is equipped with cyclones, or wet scrubbers, or water sprays at the material transfer points open to the atmosphere, or other equipment or systems approved by the Executive Director, properly installed, in good working order, and in operation.
(d) The facility operates on the same property for a period not exceeding six months.
(e) The emissions from the facility do not create a nuisance.
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Section 111.83. Extension of Exemption.
(Approved by EPA 02/25/83 (48 FR 08073) at 52.2270(c)(50) effective 04/26/83.)
Upon written request by the owner/operator of an exempted facility, the Executive Director may extend the period of the exemption.
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