Texas SIP: 30 TAC 112.18: Temporary Fuel Shortage Plan Reporting Requirements
Regulatory Text:
Section 112.18. Temporary Fuel Shortage Plan Reporting Requirements.
(Approved by EPA 08/30/93 (58 FR 45457) at 52.2270(c)(76) effective 10/29/93.)
Any person who files a temporary fuel shortage control plan under Section 112.15 of this title (relating to Temporary Fuel Shortage Plan Filing Requirements), and operates a source under that plan pursuant to Section 112.16 of this title (relating to Temporary Fuel Shortage Plan Operating Requirements), and Section 112.17 of this title (relating to Temporary Fuel Shortage Plan Notification Procedures), must submit to the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission, on a semi-annual basis, a written report detailing the types, quantity, and sulfur content of fuels burned during the previous six months, the sources at which these fuels were burned, and the dates on which the higher sulfur fuels were burned.
As adopted by TACB 09/18/92 effective 10/23/92