Texas SIP: 30 TAC 112.19: Application for Area Control Plan
Regulatory Text:
Section 112.19. Application for Area Control Plan.
(Approved by EPA 08/30/93 (58 FR 45457) at 52.2270(c)(76) effective 10/29/93.)
The owner or operator a source which emits sulfur dioxide (SO2) may petition the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission for relief from the requirements of Section 112.3(a) of this title (relating to Net Ground Level Concentrations), by filing with the Executive Director, an application for an area control plan. An application for an area control plan shall include, but is not limited to, a combination of evidence that best available control technology is being employed at all the affected sources, having due regard for the technical practicability and the economic reasonableness of reducing or eliminating the emissions of SO2 from the affected source, and an ambient air sampling system to record SO2 levels in the affected area. Any person who files an application for an area control plan shall demonstrate the capability of all sources in the affected area of the state to maintain all promulgated SO2 ambient air quality standards.
As adopted by TACB 09/18/92 effective 10/23/92