Texas SIP: 30 TAC 112.2: Compliance, Reporting, and Recordkeeping Control of Air Pollution From Sulfur Compounds
Regulatory Text:
Section 112.2. Compliance, Reporting, and Recordkeeping.
(Approved by EPA 08/30/93 (58 FR 45457) at 52.2270(c)(76) effective 10/29/93.)
(a) When requested under Section 101.8(a) of this title (relating to Sampling), a facility that is subject to the sulfur dioxide (SO2) limits of this chapter shall demonstrate compliance by Method 6, 6A, or 6C as described in 40 CFR, Part 60, Appendix A. Any person affected by this subsection may request approval by the Executive Director of the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) and by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency of alternative test methods, including sampling and analysis of fuel or raw material feedstock, as described in Method 19 of 40 CFR, Part 60, Appendix A, to determine compliance.
(b) A facility that is required to demonstrate compliance with SO2 emission limits under this chapter shall report the results so obtained, when requested, to the appropriate regional office of the TNRCC within a reasonable time specified by and on forms furnished by the Executive Director.
(c) A facility that is required to demonstrate compliance with SO2 emission limits under this chapter shall maintain records on site of any SO2 emissions data, fuel sampling data, or sampling data of fuel oil used as raw material for two years. These records shall be available for inspection by federal, state, or local air pollution control agencies.
As adopted by TACB 09/18/92 effective 10/23/92