Texas SIP: 30 TAC 114.2: Control of Air Pollution Inspection and Maintenance Definitions
Regulatory Text:
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
4 Chapter 114 - Control of Air Pollution from Motor Vehicles
4A Subchapter A : Definitions
4A §114.2. Inspection and Maintenance Definitions. 4-91, TXd187
As adopted by TCEQ April 29, 2015 effective May 21, 2005 (4-91),
Submitted to EPA June 11, 2015, Regulations.gov document EPA-R06-OAR-2015-0425-0006 [TX172.06].
Approved by EPA October 7, 2016 (81 FR 69679) SIP effective December 6, 2016 (TXd187),
Regulations.gov docket EPA-R06-OAR-2015-0425 [TX172].
Adopted April 29, 2015 Effective May 21, 2015
Unless specifically defined in Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 382, also known as the Texas Clean Air Act (TCAA), or in the rules of the commission, the terms used by the commission have the meanings commonly ascribed to them in the field of air pollution control. In addition to the terms that are defined by the TCAA, the following words and terms, when used in Subchapter C of this chapter (relating to Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance; Low Income Vehicle Repair Assistance, Retrofit, and Accelerated Vehicle Retirement Program; and Early Action Compact Counties), have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
(1) Acceleration simulation mode (ASM-2) test--An emissions test using a dynamometer (a set of rollers on which a test vehicle's tires rest) that applies an increasing load or resistance to the drive train of a vehicle, thereby simulating actual tailpipe emissions of a vehicle as it is moving and accelerating. The ASM-2 vehicle emissions test is comprised of two phases:
(A) the 50/15 mode--in which the vehicle is tested for 90 seconds upon reaching and maintaining a constant speed of 15 miles per hour (mph) on a dynamometer that simulates acceleration at a rate of 3.3 mph per second by using 50% of the vehicle available horsepower; and
(B) the 25/25 mode--in which the vehicle is tested for 90 seconds upon reaching and maintaining a constant speed of 25 mph on a dynamometer that simulates acceleration at a rate of 3.3 mph per second by using 25% of the vehicle available horsepower.
(2) Consumer price index--The consumer price index for any calendar year is the average of the consumer price index for all-urban consumers published by the United States Department of Labor, as of the close of the 12-month period ending on August 31 of the calendar year.
(3) Controller area network (CAN)--A vehicle manufacturer's communications protocol that connects to the various electronic modules in a vehicle. CAN provides one protocol that collects information from the vehicle's electronic systems including the on-board diagnostics (OBD) emissions testing system. The United States Environmental Protection Agency requires the CAN protocol to be installed in OBD-compliant vehicles beginning with some model year 2003 vehicles and phasing in to all OBD-compliant vehicles by the 2008 model year.
(4) Low-volume emissions inspection station--A vehicle emissions inspection station that meets all criteria for obtaining a low-volume waiver from the Texas Department of Public Safety.
(5) Motorist--A person or other entity responsible for the inspection, repair, and maintenance of a motor vehicle, which may include, but is not limited to, owners and lessees.
(6) On-board diagnostic (OBD) system--The computer system installed in a vehicle by the manufacturer that monitors the performance of the vehicle emissions control equipment, fuel metering system, and ignition system for the purpose of detecting malfunction or deterioration in performance that would be expected to cause the vehicle not to meet emissions standards. All references to OBD should be interpreted to mean the second generation of this equipment, sometimes referred to as OBD II.
(7) On-road test--Utilization of remote sensing technology to identify vehicles operating within the inspection and maintenance program areas that have a high probability of being high-emitters.
(8) Out-of-cycle test--Required emissions test not associated with vehicle safety inspection testing cycle.
(9) Primarily operated--Use of a motor vehicle greater than 60 calendar days per testing cycle in an affected county. Motorists shall comply with emissions requirements for such counties. It is presumed that a vehicle is primarily operated in the county in which it is registered.
(10) Program area--County or counties in which the Texas Department of Public Safety, in coordination with the commission, administers the vehicle emissions inspection and maintenance program contained in the Texas Inspection and Maintenance State Implementation Plan. These program areas include:
(A) the Dallas-Fort Worth program area, consisting of the following counties: Collin, Dallas, Denton, and Tarrant;
(B) the El Paso program area, consisting of El Paso County;
(C) the Houston-Galveston-Brazoria program area, consisting of Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Montgomery Counties; and
(D) the extended Dallas-Fort Worth program area, consisting of Ellis, Johnson, Kaufman, Parker, and Rockwall Counties. These counties became part of the program area as of May 1, 2003.
(11) Retests--Successive vehicle emissions inspections following the failing of an initial test by a vehicle during a single testing cycle.
(12) Testing cycle--Before the single sticker transition date as defined in §114.1 of this title (relating to Definitions), the annual cycle commencing with the first safety inspection certificate expiration date for which a motor vehicle is subject to a vehicle emissions inspection or beginning on the single sticker transition date, the annual cycle commencing with the first vehicle registration expiration date for which a motor vehicle is subject to a vehicle emissions inspection.
(13) Two-speed idle (TSI) inspection and maintenance test--A measurement of the tailpipe exhaust emissions of a vehicle while the vehicle idles, first at a lower speed and then again at a higher speed.
(14) Uncommon part--A part that takes more than 30 days for expected delivery and installation where a motorist can prove that a reasonable attempt made to locate necessary emission control parts by retail or wholesale part suppliers will exceed the remaining time prior to expiration of:
(A) the vehicle safety inspection certificate prior to the single sticker transition date as defined in §114.1 of this title (relating to Definitions);
(B) the vehicle registration beginning on the single sticker transition date as defined in §114.1 of this title; or
(C) the 30-day period following an out-of-cycle inspection.