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Texas SIP: 30 TAC 114.650-114.658. Texas Clean Fleet Program; SIP effective 2017-09-07 (TXd198)

Regulatory Text: 
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

4 Chapter 114 - Control of Air Pollution from Motor Vehicles

4K Subchapter K : Mobile Sources Incentive Programs

As Approved by EPA June 9, 2017 (82 FR 26754) effective September 7, 2017 (TXd198), docket EPA-R06-OAR-2014-0497 [TX162].

§114.650. Definitions. 4-88, TXd198, TX162
§114.651. Applicability. 4-79, TXd149, TX053
§114.652. Qualifying Vehicles. 4-79, TXd149, TX053
§114.653. Grant Eligibility. 4-88, TXd198, TX162
§114.654. Usage and Disposition. 4-79, TXd149, TX053
§114.655. Grant Restrictions. 4-75, TXd149, TX053
§114.656. Eligible Grant Amounts. 4-88, TXd198, TX162
§114.657. Reporting Requirements. 4-75, TXd149, TX053
§114.658. Implementation Schedule. 4-75, TXd149, TX053
**************************end outline tx4K5 TXd198**************x7k****

SIP-approval information:

Sections 114.655, 114.657, 114.658: 4-75, TXd149, TX053
As adopted by TCEQ February 24, 2010 effective March 18, 2010 (4-75), document EPA-R06-OAR-2006-0885-0007 [TX053.07].
Approved by EPA January 31, 2014 (79 FR 5287), effective April 1, 2014 (TXd149), document EPA-R06-OAR-2006-0885 [TX053].

Sections 114.651, 114.652, 114.654: 4-77, TXd149, TX053
As adopted by TCEQ March 28, 2012 effective April 19, 2012 (4-77), document EPA-R06-OAR-2006-0885-0008 [TX053.08].
Approved by EPA January 31, 2014 (79 FR 5287), effective April 1, 2014 (TXd149), docket EPA-R06-OAR-2006-0885 [TX053].

Sections 114.650, 114.653, 114.656: 4-88, TXd198, TX162
As adopted by TCEQ April 9, 2014 effective May 1, 2014 (4-88),
Submitted to EPA June 11, 2014 (4K5, TX-361, 4-88), document EPA-R06-OAR-2014-0497-0006 [TX162.06].
Approved by EPA June 9, 2017 (82 FR 26754) effective September 7, 2017 (TXd198), docket EPA-R06-OAR-2014-0497 [TX162], direct final
rule Federal Register in document EPA-R06-OAR-2014-0497-0001 [TX162.01].

**End SIP-approval information tx4K5 SIP eff September 7 2017 TXd198*v7k**
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TX Ch114K5 TXd198 §§114.650to114.658 TexasCleanFleetProgram SIP eff Sep 7 2017 x7k

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