Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Chapter 115 – Control of Air Pollution from Volatile Organic Compounds
As approved by EPA April 30, 2019 (84 FR 18145) effective May 30, 2019 (TXd215),
Regulations.gov docket EPA-R06-OAR-2017-0055 [TX194]
§115.110. Applicability and Definitions. 5-96, TXd204 TX179
§115.111. Exemptions. 5-96, TXd204 TX179
§115.112. Control Requirements. 5-97, TXd215 TX194
§115.113. Alternate Control Requirements. 5-91, TXd160 TX130
§115.114. Inspection Requirements. 5-97, TXd215 TX194
§115.115. Monitoring Requirements. 5-96, TXd204 TX179
§115.116. Testing Requirements. 5-91, TXd160 TX130
§115.117. Approved Test Methods. 5-96, TXd204 TX179
§115.118. Recordkeeping Requirements. 5-97, TXd215 TX194
§115.119. Compliance Schedules. 5-97, TXd215 TX194
**************************end outline tx5B1d215***************z56****
SIP Approval Information:
5-97, TXd215, TX194
Sections: 115.112, 114, 118, 119:
As adopted by TCEQ December 15, 2016 effective January 5, 2017 (5-97),
submitted to EPA December 29, 2016 (TX-397),
Regulations.gov document EPA-R06-OAR-2017-0055-0003 [TX194.03],
Approved by EPA April 30, 2019 (84 FR 18145) SIP effective May 30, 2019 (TXd215),
Regulations.gov docket EPA-R06-OAR-2017-0055-0009 [TX194.09].
5-96, TXd204, TX179
Sections: 115.110, 111, 115, 117:
As adopted by TCEQ June 3, 2015 effective June 25, 2015 (5-96),
submitted to EPA July 10, 2015 (TX-377),
Regulations.gov document EPA-R06-OAR-2015-0832-0003 [TX179.03],
Approved by EPA December 21, 2017 (82 FR 60546) effective January 22, 2017 (TXd204),
Regulations.gov docket EPA-R06-OAR-2015-0832 [TX179],
Error in Federal Register amendatory language: the State approval date should be
June 3, 2015, NOT June 15, 2015.
5-91 TXd160 TX130
Sections 115.113 and 116:
As adopted by TCEQ December 7, 2011 (not December 1, 2011)
effective December 29, 2011 (5-91) and submitted to EPA January 17, 2012,
Regulations.gov document EPA-R06-OAR-2012-0096 [TX130.04].
Approved by EPA September 9, 2014 (79 FR 53299), effective November 10, 2014 (TXd160).
Error in Federal Register amendatory language: On pages 79 FR 53302 and 53303,
the State approval/submittal date for each section should be “12/7/2011” NOT “12/1/2011”.
***5B1***TXd215***end SIP-Approved Information***TX194***z56***
TXd215 5B1 Storage of VOCs SIP effective May 30, 2019 TX194 z56
TXd215 5B1 Storage of VOCs SIP effective May 30, 2019 TX194 z56 (PDF)(33 pp, 342 K)
TXd215 5B1 Storage of VOCs SIP effective May 30, 2019 TX194 z56