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Texas SIP: 30 TAC 115.510-115.519: Cutback Asphalt, SIP effective January 22, 2018 (TXd204)

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

5 Chapter 115 – Control of Air Pollution from Volatile Organic Compounds

5F Subchapter F:  Miscellaneous Industrial Sources
As approved by EPA December 21, 2017 (82 FR 60546) SIP effective January 22, 2018 (TXd204), docket EPA-R06-OAR-2015-0832 [TX179].

§115.510.  Cutback Asphalt Definitions. 5-63 TXd05
§115.512.  Control Requirements. 5-78, TXd52 TX014
§115.513.  Alternate Control Requirements. 5-63 TXd05
§115.515.  Testing Requirements. 5-63 TXd05
§115.516.  Recordkeeping Requirements. 5-78 TXd52 TX014
§115.517.  Exemptions. 5-78 TXd52 TX014
§115.519.  Counties and Compliance Schedules. 5-96 TXd204 TX179
**************************end outline tx5F1d204***************y5m****

EPA Approval Information for Current SIP-Approved Sections

5-63 TXd05, Sections 510, 513, 515:
Adopted by TNRCC July 28, 1999, effective August 18, 1999 (5-63),
Submitted to EPA August 31, 1999 (TX-115).
Approved by EPA December 22, 1999 (64 FR 71666), effective February 22, 2000 (TXd05).
Approved by EPA before EPA Region 6 began putting SIP submittals in

5-78 TXd52 TX014, Sections 512, 516, 517:
As adopted by TCEQ November 17, 2004, effective December 9, 2004 (5-78),
Submitted to EPA December 6, 2004 (TX-190), document EPA-R06-OAR-2005-TX-0008-0022 [TX014.22].
Approved by EPA March 29, 2005 (70 FR 15769) effective May 31, 2005 (TXd52), document EPA-R06-OAR-2005-TX-0008-0028 [TX014.28].

5-96 TXd204 TX179, Section 519:
As adopted by TCEQ June 3, 2015 effective June 25, 2015 (5-96),
Submitted to EPA July 10, 2015 (TX-377), document EPA-R06-OAR-2015-0832-0003 [TX179.03].
Approved by EPA December 21, 2017 (82 FR 60546) SIP effective January 22, 2018 (TXd204), docket EPA-R06-OAR-2015-0832 [TX179].
Errors in Federal Register amendatory language:
*** State approval date should be June 3, 2015, NOT June 15, 2015;
*** Section 519 title should be “Counties and Compliance Schedules”, NOT “Compliance Schedules”.

***Tx5F1***TXd204***end SIP-Approved Information***TX179***y5m*** 5 pages***
Tx5F1 TXd204 Cutback Asphalt SIP effective January 22 2018 TX179 y5m

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