Texas SIP: 30 TAC 116.110-116.116. Permit Application; SIP effective 2006.10.06 and 2007-10-29
Regulatory Text:
Texas Chapter 116 - Control of Air Pollution by Permits for New Construction or Modification
As approved by EPA August 28, 2007 (72 FR 49198) effective October 29, 2007 (TXd88).
§116.110. Applicability. 6-54, TXd41
§116.111. General Application. 6-55, TXd79 Superseded by TXd88 revisions effective October 29, 2007.
§116.111. General Application. 6-60, TXd88
§116.112. Distance Limitations. 6-65, TXd71
§116.114. Application Review Schedule. 6-48, TXd34
§116.115. General and Special Conditions. 6-62, TXd41, TXd79
§116.116. Changes to Facilities. 6-54, TXd41
§116.110. Applicability.
As adopted by TNRCC August 9, 2000, effective September 4, 2000 (6-54).
Approved by EPA November 14, 2003 (68 FR 64543) effective December 15, 2003 (TXd41).
NOT in SIP: Subsections (a)(3), (a)(5), and (c).
(a) Permit to construct. Before any actual work is begun on the facility, any person who plans to construct any new facility or to engage in the modification of any existing facility which may emit air contaminants into the air of this state shall either:
(1) obtain a permit under §116.111 of this title (relating to General Application);
(2) satisfy the conditions for a standard permit under the requirements in:
(A) Subchapter F of this chapter (relating to Standard Permits);
(B) Chapter 321, Subchapter B of this title (relating to Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations);
(C) Chapter 332 of this title (relating to Composting); or
(D) Chapter 330, Subchapter N of this title (relating to Landfill Mining);
(4) satisfy the conditions for facilities permitted by rule under Chapter 106 of this title (relating to Permits by Rule); or
(b) Modifications to existing permitted facilities. Modifications to existing permitted facilities may be handled through the amendment of an existing permit.
(d) Change in ownership.
(1) Within 30 days after the change of ownership of a facility permitted under this chapter, the new owner shall notify the commission and certify the following:
(A) the date of the ownership change;
(B) the name, address, phone number, and contact person for the new owner;
(C) an agreement by the new owner to be bound by all permit conditions and all representations made in the permit application and any amendments and alterations;
(D) there will be no change in the type of pollutants emitted; and
(E) there will be no increase in the quantity of pollutants emitted.
(2) The new owner shall comply with all permit conditions and all representations made in the permit application and any amendments and alterations.
(e) Submittal under seal of Texas licensed professional engineer. Applications for permit or permit amendment with an estimated capital cost of the project above $2 million, and not subject to any exemption contained in the Texas Engineering Practice Act (TEPA), shall be submitted under seal of a Texas licensed professional engineer. However, nothing in this subsection shall limit or affect any requirement which may apply to the practice of engineering under the TEPA or the actions of the Texas Board of Professional Engineers. The estimated capital cost is defined in §116.141 of this title (relating to Determination of Fees).
(f) Responsibility for permit application. The owner of the facility or the operator of the facility authorized to act for the owner is responsible for complying with this section.
Adopted August 9, 2000, Effective September 4, 2000 (6-54).
************end tx 116.110 approved by epa 11/14/03*****TXd41*********dys**
§116.111. General Application. 6-55, TXd79
As adopted by TNRCC March 7, 2001 effective March 29, 2001 (6-55).
Approved by EPA September 6, 2006 (71 FR 52664) effective October 6, 2006 (TXd79).
Not in SIP: Subsections 116.111(a)(2)(K) and 116.111(b).
Superseded by revisions approved by EPA August 28, 2007 (72 FR 49198) effective October 29, 2007 (TXd88).
(a) In order to be granted a permit, amendment, or special permit amendment, the application must include:
(1) a completed Form PI-1 General Application signed by an authorized representative of the applicant. All additional support information specified on the form must be provided before the application is complete;
(2) information which demonstrates that all of the following are met.
(A) Protection of public health and welfare.
(i) The emissions from the proposed facility will comply with all rules and regulations of the commission and with the intent of the TCAA, including protection of the health and physical property of the people.
(ii) For issuance of a permit for construction or modification of any facility within 3,000 feet of an elementary, junior high/middle, or senior high school, the commission shall consider any possible adverse short-term or long-term side effects that an air contaminant or nuisance odor from the facility may have on the individuals attending the school(s).
(B) Measurement of emissions. The proposed facility will have provisions for measuring the emission of significant air contaminants as determined by the executive director. This may include the installation of sampling ports on exhaust stacks and construction of sampling platforms in accordance with guidelines in the “Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) Sampling Procedures Manual.”
(C) Best available control technology (BACT). The proposed facility will utilize BACT, with consideration given to the technical practicability and economic reasonableness of reducing or eliminating the emissions from the facility.
(D) New Source Performance Standards (NSPS). The emissions from the proposed facility will meet the requirements of any applicable NSPS as listed under Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 60, promulgated by the EPA under FCAA, §111, as amended.
(E) National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP).
The emissions from the proposed facility will meet the requirements of any applicable NESHAP, as listed under 40 CFR Part 61, promulgated by EPA under FCAA, §112, as amended.
(F) NESHAP for source categories. The emissions from the proposed facility will meet the requirements of any applicable maximum achievable control technology standard as listed under 40 CFR Part 63, promulgated by the EPA under FCAA, §112 or as listed under Chapter 113, Subchapter C of this title (relating to National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Categories (FCAA §112, 40 CFR 63)).
(G) Performance demonstration. The proposed facility will achieve the performance specified in the permit application. The applicant may be required to submit additional engineering data after a permit has been issued in order to demonstrate further that the proposed facility will achieve the performance specified in the permit application. In addition, dispersion modeling, monitoring, or stack testing may be required.
(H) Nonattainment review. If the proposed facility is located in a nonattainment area, it shall comply with all applicable requirements in this chapter concerning nonattainment review.
(I) Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) review. If the proposed facility is located in an attainment area, it shall comply with all applicable requirements in this chapter concerning PSD review.
(J) Air dispersion modeling. Computerized air dispersion modeling may be required by the executive director to determine air quality impacts from a proposed new facility or source modification.
(K) NOT in SIP
(L) Mass cap and trade allowances. If subject to Chapter 101, Subchapter H, Division 3, of this title (relating to Mass Emissions Cap and Trade Program), the proposed facility, group of facilities, or account must obtain allowances to operate.
(b) NOT in SIP
Adopted March 7, 2001, Effective March 29, 2001 (6-55).
***end tx 116.111***6-55***EPA-R06-OAR-2005-TX-0023***TX029***TXd79***h2a***
§116.111. General Application. 6-60, TXd88
As adopted by TNRCC August 21, 2002 effective September 12, 2002 (6-60).
Approved by EPA August 28, 2007 (72 FR 49198) effective October 29, 2007 (TXd88).
NOT IN SIP: Paragraph(a)(2)(K) and paragraph (b).
(a) In order to be granted a permit, amendment, or special permit amendment, the application must include:
(1) a completed Form PI-1 General Application signed by an authorized representative of the applicant. All additional support information specified on the form must be provided before the application is complete;
(2) information which demonstrates that emissions from the facility, including any associated dockside vessel emissions, meet all of the following.
(A) Protection of public health and welfare.
(i) The emissions from the proposed facility will comply with all rules and regulations of the commission and with the intent of the TCAA, including protection of the health and property of the public.
(ii) For issuance of a permit for construction or modification of any facility within 3,000 feet of an elementary, junior high/middle, or senior high school, the commission shall consider any possible adverse short-term or long-term side effects that an air contaminant or nuisance odor from the facility may have on the individuals attending the school(s).
(B) Measurement of emissions. The proposed facility will have provisions for measuring the emission of significant air contaminants as determined by the executive director. This may include the installation of sampling ports on exhaust stacks and construction of sampling platforms
in accordance with guidelines in the "Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) Sampling Procedures Manual."
(C) Best available control technology (BACT). The proposed facility will utilize BACT, with consideration given to the technical practicability and economic reasonableness of reducing or eliminating the emissions from the facility.
(D) New Source Performance Standards (NSPS). The emissions from the proposed facility will meet the requirements of any applicable NSPS as listed under Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 60, promulgated by the EPA under FCAA, §111, as amended.
(E) National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP). The emissions from the proposed facility will meet the requirements of any applicable NESHAP, as listed under 40 CFR Part 61, promulgated by EPA under FCAA, §112, as amended.
(F) NESHAP for source categories. The emissions from the proposed facility will meet the requirements of any applicable maximum achievable control technology standard as listed under 40 CFR Part 63, promulgated by the EPA under FCAA, §112 or as listed under Chapter 113, Subchapter C of this title (relating to National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Categories (FCAA §112,40 CFR 63)).
(G) Performance demonstration. The proposed facility will achieve the performance specified in the permit application. The applicant may be required to submit additional engineering data after a permit has been issued in order to demonstrate further that the proposed facility will achieve the performance specified in the permit application. In addition, dispersion modeling, monitoring, or stack testing may be required.
(H) Nonattainment review. If the proposed facility is located in a nonattainment area, it shall comply with all applicable requirements in this chapter concerning nonattainment review.
(I) Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) review. If the proposed facility is located in an attainment area, it shall comply with all applicable requirements in this chapter concerning PSD review.
(J) Air dispersion modeling. Computerized air dispersion modeling may be required by the executive director to determine air quality impacts from a proposed new facility or source modification. In determining whether to issue, or in conducting a review of, a permit application for a shipbuilding or ship repair operation, the commission will not require and may not consider air dispersion modeling results predicting ambient concentrations of non-criteria air contaminants over coastal waters of the state. The commission shall determine compliance with noncriteria ambient air contaminant standards and guidelines at land-based off-property locations.
(L) Mass cap and trade allowances. If subject to Chapter 101, Subchapter H, Division 3, of this title (relating to Mass Emissions Cap and Trade Program), the proposed facility, group of facilities, or account must obtain allowances to operate.
Adopted August 21, 2002, Effective September 12, 2002 (6-60).
***end tx 116.111***6-60***EPA-R06-OAR-2007-0285***TX059***TXd88***hxr***
§116.112. Distance Limitations.
As adopted by TCEQ January 14, 2004 effective February 4, 2004 (6-65).
Approved by EPA December 7, 2005 (70 FR 72720) effective February 6, 2005 (TXd71).
(a) For any facility subject to the notice and hearing requirements of Subchapter B, Division 3 of this chapter (relating to Public Notification and Comment Procedures); Chapter 39, Subchapters A, D, H, or K of this title (relating to Applicability and General Provisions, Public Notice of Air Quality Applications, Applicability and General Provisions, and Public Notice of Air Quality Applications); or Chapter 122, Subchapter D of this title (relating to Public Announcement, Public Notice, Affected State Review, Notice and Comment Hearing, Notice of Proposed Final Action, EPA Review, and Public Petition), the measurement of distances to determine compliance with any location or distance limitation requirement in Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 382, shall be taken toward structures that are in use at the time the permit application is filed with the commission, and that are not occupied or used solely by the owner of the facility or the owner of the property upon which the facility is located.
(b) The following facilities must satisfy the following distance criteria.
(1) Lead smelters. New lead smelting plants shall be located at least 3,000 feet from any individual’s residence where lead smelting operations have not been conducted before August 31, 1987. This subsection does not apply to:
(A) a modification of a lead smelting plant in operation on or before August 31, 1987;
(B) a new lead smelting plant or modification of a plant with the capacity to produce 200 pounds or less of lead per hour; or
(C) a lead smelting plant that was located more than 3,000 feet from the nearest residence when the plant began operations.
(2) Concrete crushing facilities. A concrete crushing facility must not be operated within 440 yards of any building in use as a single or multi-family residence, school, or place of worship at the time the application for the initial authorization for the operation of that facility at that location is filed with the commission.
(A) The measurement of distances shall be taken from the point on the concrete crushing facility nearest to the residence, school, or place of worship to the point on the building in use as a residence, school, or place of worship that is nearest the concrete crushing facility.
(B) The minimum distance limitation and measurement requirements of this paragraph do not apply to concrete crushing facilities that were authorized to operate at the site as of September 1, 2001.
(C) Unless the facility is located in, or located in a county adjacent to, a county with a population of 2.4 million or more, the minimum distance limitation and measurement requirements of this paragraph do not apply to facilities operated on a site during one period of no more than 180 calendar days that crush concrete resulting from the demolition of a structure on that site for use primarily at that site, and which comply with all applicable conditions stated in commission rules, including operating conditions.
(D) The minimum distance limitation and measurement requirements of this paragraph do not apply to structures occupied or used solely by the owner of the facility or the owner of the property upon which the facility is located.
(c) For applicable distance limitations at hazardous waste management facilities, see §335.204 of this title (relating to Unsuitable Site Characteristics), as amended and adopted in the August 22, 2003 issue of the Texas Register (28 TexReg 6915), and §335.205 of this title (relating to Prohibition of Permit Issuance), as amended and adopted in the November 9, 2001 issue of the Texas Register (26 TexReg 9135).
Adopted January 14, 2004, Effective February 4, 2004 (6-65).
***end tx 116.112***6-65***EPA-R06-OAR-2005-TX-0030***TX036***TXd71***h1x***
§116.114. Application Review Schedule.
As adopted by TNRCC June 17, 1998, effective July 8, 1998 (6-48).
Approved by EPA September 18, 2002 (67 FR 58697) effective October 18, 2002 (TXd34).
(a) Review schedule. The executive director shall review permit applications in accordance with the following.
(1) Notice of completion or deficiency. The executive director shall mail written notification informing the applicant that the application is complete or that it is deficient within 90 days of receipt of the application for a new permit, or amendment to a permit or special permit.
(A) If the application is deficient, the notification must state:
(i) the additional information required; and
(ii) the intent of the executive director to void the application if information for a complete application is not submitted.
(B) Additional information may be requested within 60 days of receipt of the information provided in response to the deficiency notification.
(2) Decision to approve or disapprove the application. The executive director shall mail written notice to the applicant of his decision to approve or not approve the application. If the applicant has provided public notification as required by the executive director, and no equests for public hearing or public meeting on the proposed facility have been received, the executive director shall send notice within:
(A) 180 days of receipt of a completed permit application; or
(B) 150 days of receipt of a permit amendment or special permit amendment.
(3) Refund of permit fee.
(A) If the time limits provided in this section to process an application are exceeded, the applicant may appeal in writing to the executive director for a refund of the permit fee.
(B) The permit fee shall be reimbursed if it is determined by the executive director that the specified period was exceeded without good cause, as provided in Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6252-13b.1, §3.
(b) Voiding of deficient application.
(1) An applicant shall make a good faith effort to submit, in a timely manner, adequate information which demonstrates that the requirements for obtaining a permit or permit amendment are met in response to any deficiency notification issued by the executive director under the provisions of this section, or §116.131 of this title (relating to Applicability).
(2) If an applicant fails to make such good faith effort, the executive director shall void the application and notify the applicant. If the application is resubmitted within six months of the voidance, it shall be exempt from the requirements of §116.140 of this title (relating to Applicability).
As adopted by TNRCC June 17, 1998, effective July 8, 1998 (6-48).
*************end tx 116.114 approved by epa 09/18/02******TXd34*****cxr**
§116.115. General and Special Conditions.
As adopted by TCEQ November 20, 2002, effective December 11, 2002 (6-62).
As approved by EPA November 14, 2003 (68 FR 64543) effective December 15, 2003 (TXd41).
Explanation for TXd41 approval: The SIP does not include sections 116.115(b)(2)(C)(iii) and 116.115(c)(2)(B)(ii)(I).
As approved by EPA September 6, 2006 (71 FR 52664) effective October 6, 2006 (TXd79).
Explanation for TXd79 approval: The SIP does not include subsections 116.115(c)(2)(B)(ii)(I).
NOTE TO READER: All the subsections below except subsection 116.115(b)(2)(C)(iii) were approved by EPA November 14, 2003 (68 FR 64543) effective December 15, 2003 (TXd41). Subsection 116.115(b)(2)(C)(iii) was approved by EPA September 6, 2006 (71 FR 52664) effective October 6, 2006 (TXd79). END NOTE TO READER
(a) General and special conditions. Permits, special permits, standard permits, and special exemptions may contain general and special conditions.
(b) General conditions. Holders of permits, special permits, standard permits, and special exemptions shall comply with the following:
(1) the general conditions contained in the permit document if issued or amended prior to August 16, 1994; or
(2) the following general conditions if the permit or amendment is issued or amended on or after August 16, 1994, regardless of whether they are specifically stated within the permit document.
(A) Voiding of permit. A permit or permit amendment under this chapter is automatically void if the permit holder does one of the following:
(i) fails to begin construction within 18 months of date of issuance. The executive director may grant a one-time 18-month extension to the date to begin construction;
(ii) discontinues construction for more than 18 consecutive months prior to completion; or
(iii) fails to complete construction within a reasonable time.
(B) Report of construction progress. The permit holder shall report start of construction, construction interruptions exceeding 45 days, and completion of construction. The report shall be given to the appropriate regional office of the commission not later than 15 working days after occurrence of the event.
(C) Start-up notification.
(i) The permit holder shall notify the appropriate air program regional office of the commission prior to the commencement of operations of the facilities authorized by the permit. The notification must be made in such a manner as to allow representative of the commission to be present at the commencement of operations.
(ii) The permit holder shall provide a separate notification for the commencement of operations for each unit of phased construction, which may involve a series of units commencing operations at different times.
NOTE: Section 116.115(b)(2)(C)(iii) below approved by EPA September 6, 2006 (71 FR 52664) effective October 6, 2006 (TXd79).
(iii) Prior to operation of the facilities authorized by the permit, the permit holder shall identify to the Office of Permitting, Remediation, and Registration the source or sources of allowances to be utilized for compliance with Chapter 101, Subchapter H, Division 3 of this title (relating to Mass Emissions Cap and Trade Program).
(D) Sampling requirements.
(i) If sampling is required, the permit holder shall contact the commission's Office of Compliance and Enforcement prior to sampling to obtain the proper data forms and procedures.
(ii) All sampling and testing procedures must be approved by the executive director and coordinated with the regional representatives of the commission.
(iii) The permit holder is also responsible for providing sampling facilities and conducting the sampling operations or contracting with an independent sampling consultant.
(E) Equivalency of methods. The permit holder must demonstrate or otherwise justify the equivalency of emission control methods, sampling or other emission testing methods, and monitoring methods proposed as alternatives to methods indicated in the conditions of the permit. Alternative methods shall be applied for in writing and must be reviewed and approved by the executive director prior to their use in fulfilling any requirements of the permit.
(F) Recordkeeping. The permit holder shall:
(i) maintain a copy of the permit along with records containing the information and data sufficient to demonstrate compliance with the permit, including production records and operating hours;
(ii) keep all required records in a file at the facility site. If, however, the facility site normally operates unattended, records must be maintained at an office within Texas having day-to-day operational control of the facility site;
(iii) make the records available at the request of personnel from the commission or any local air pollution control agency having jurisdiction over the site. Upon request, the commission shall make any such records of compliance available to the public in a timely manner;
(iv) comply with any additional recordkeeping requirements specified in special conditions attached to the permit;
(v) retain information in the file for at least two years following the
date that the information or data is obtained; and
(vi) for persons certifying and registering a federally-enforceable emission limitation in accordance with §116.611 of this title (relating to Registration To Use a Standard Permit), retain all records demonstrating compliance for at least five years.
(G) Maximum allowable emission rates. The total emissions of air contaminants from any of the sources of emissions must not exceed the values stated on the table attached to the permit entitled "Emission Sources--Maximum Allowable Emission Rates."
(H) Maintenance of emission control. The permitted facilities shall not be operated unless all air pollution emission capture and abatement equipment is maintained in good working order and operating properly during normal facility operations. The permit holder shall provide notification for emissions events and maintenance in accordance with §§101.201, 101.211, and 101.221 of this title (relating to Emissions Event Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements; Scheduled Maintenance, Start-up, and Shutdown Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements; and Operational Requirements).
(I) Compliance with rules.
(i) Acceptance of a permit by an applicant constitutes an acknowledgment and agreement that the permit holder will comply with all rules, regulations, and orders of the commission issued in conformity with the TCAA and the conditions precedent to the granting of the permit.
(ii) If more than one state or federal rule or regulation or permit condition are applicable, the most stringent limit or condition shall govern and be the standard by which compliance shall be demonstrated.
(iii) Acceptance includes consent to the entrance of commission employees and agents into the permitted premises at reasonable times to investigate conditions relating to the emission or concentration of air contaminants, including compliance with the permit.
(c) Special conditions. The holders of permits, special permits, standard permits, and special exemptions shall comply with all special conditions contained in the permit document.
(1) Special conditions may be attached to a permit that are more restrictive than the requirements of Title 30 of the Texas Administrative Code.
(2) Special condition for written approval.
(A) The executive director may require as a special condition that the permit holder obtain written approval before constructing a source under:
(i) a standard permit under Subchapter F of this chapter (relating to Standard Permits); or
(ii) an exemption under Chapter 106 of this title (relating to Permits by Rule).
(B) Such written approval may be required if the executive director specifically finds that an increase of a particular pollutant could either:
(i) result in a significant impact on the air environment; or
(ii) cause the facility to become subject to review under:
(II) the provisions in §116.150 and §116.151 of this title (relating to Nonattainment Review) and §§116.160 - 116.163 of this title (relating to Prevention of Significant Deterioration Review).
Adopted November 20, 2002, Effective December 11, 2002 (6-62).
***end tx 116.115***6-62**************************************TXd79***h2a***
§116.116. Changes to Facilities.
As adopted by TNRCC August 9, 2000, effective September 4, 2000 (6-54).
Approved by EPA November 14, 2003 (68 FR 64543) effective December 15, 2003 (TXd41).
NOT in SIP: Subsections (b)(3), (b)(4), (e), and (f).
(a) Representations and conditions. The following are the conditions upon which a permit, special permit, or special exemption are issued:
(1) representations with regard to construction plans and operation procedures in an application for a permit, special permit, or special exemption; and
(2) any general and special conditions attached to the permit, special permit, or special exemption itself.
(b) Permit amendments.
(1) Except as provided in subsection (e) of this section, the permit holder shall not vary from any representation or permit condition without obtaining a permit amendment if the change will cause:
(A) a change in the method of control of emissions;
(B) a change in the character of the emissions; or
(C) an increase in the emission rate of any air contaminant.
(2) Any person who requests permit amendments must receive prior approval by the executive director or the commission. Applications must be submitted with a completed Form PI_1 and are subject to the requirements of §116.111 of this title (relating to General Application).
(c) Permit alteration.
(1) A permit alteration is:
(A) a decrease in allowable emissions; or
(B) any change from a representation in an application, general condition, or special condition in a permit that does not cause:
(i) a change in the method of control of emissions;
(ii) a change in the character of emissions; or
(iii) an increase in the emission rate of any air contaminant.
(2) Requests for permit alterations that must receive prior approval by the executive director are those that:
(A) result in an increase in off_property concentrations of air contaminants;
(B) involve a change in permit conditions; or
(C) affect facility or control equipment performance.
(3) The executive director shall be notified in writing of all other permit alterations not specified in paragraph (2) of this subsection.
(4) A request for permit alteration shall include information sufficient to demonstrate that the change does not interfere with the owner or operator's previous demonstrations of compliance with the requirements of §116.111(a)(2)(C) of this title.
(5) Permit alterations are not subject to the requirements of §116.111(a)(2)(C) of this title.
(d) Permits by rule under Chapter 106 of this title (relating to Permits by Rule) in lieu of permit amendment or alteration.
(1) A permit amendment or alteration is not required if the changes to the permitted facility qualify for an exemption from permitting or permit by rule under Chapter 106 of this title unless prohibited by permit condition as provided in §116.115 of this title (relating to General and Special Conditions).
(2) All changes authorized under Chapter 106 of this title to a permitted facility shall be incorporated into that facility's permit when the permit is amended or renewed.
Adopted August 9, 2000, effective September 4, 2000 (6-54).
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**************end texas chapter 116 subchapter b division 1***TXd79***h2a***