* State: Virginia
* Agency: VA-Department of Environmental Quality
* Regulation Type: Rule
* Rule: # 9 VAC 5, Chapter 30
* Rule Title: Ambient Air Quality Standards
* State Effective Date: 06/01/2016
* Final Federal Register Date: 03/12/2018
* Federal Register Citation: #83 FR 10626
Rescinded Date:
Comments 1. All existing sections are revised, and sections 5-30-55 and 5-30-65 are added, effective 4/3/06.
2. Revised sections 5-30-60 and 5-30-65; added sections 5-30-15 and 5-30-66. The SIP effective date is 1/27/11.
3. Revised title to section 5-30-55 and addition of section 5-30-56. The SIP effective date is 3/21/11.
4. Revised sections 5-30-15 and 5-30-80. The SIP effective date is 5/25/11.
5. Revised section 5-30-70. The SIP effective date is 8/22/11 (76 FR 36326).
6. Revised section 5-30-30. The SIP effective date is 3/5/12 (77 FR 5400).
7. Revised section 5-30-55. The SIP effective date is 8/12/13 (78 FR 34915 dated 6-11-13) .
8. Revised section 5-30-15 and added section 5-30-67. The State effective date is 5/22/13 and the SIP effective date is 12/24/13 (78 FR 63878) dated 10/25/13.
9. 83 FR 10626 dated 3/12/2018 ans federally effective 4/11/18 added 5-30-57 to the approved SIP with a state effective date of 6/1/16.
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Virginia SIP, 9vac5_chapter_30 (PDF)(10 pp, 164 K)
Virginia SIP, 9vac5_chapter_30