Summary of Anchorage Carbon Monoxide (CO) Attainment Plan
The Anchorage, Alaska area was designated nonattainment for CO and classified as moderate upon enactment of the Clean Air Act Amendments in 1990.
EPA approved an attainment plan in 1995. However, two violations of the NAAQS in 1996 resulted in EPA reclassifying Anchorage to serious nonattainment on July 13, 1998 with an attainment date of December 31, 2000.
A new plan was required by January 13, 2000. An attainment plan was not submitted to EPA by the January 13, 2000 deadline.
On July 14, 2000, the EPA published a Federal Register Notice stating that initial, mandatory sanctions would be triggered beginning January 13, 2002 if a new plan was not submitted by that date. The MOA submitted a new plan on January 4, 2002 and EPA proposed approval of the plan (67 FR 38218 (PDF)(5 pp, 145 K, About PDF)).
On September 18, 2002, EPA approved the Anchorage CO attainment plan (67 FR 58711 (PDF)(2 pp, 132 K)).
The plan relies on control strategies needed to assure attainment of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for carbon monoxide. The strategy focuses on the Federal Motor Vehicle Emission Control Program, I/M program, ethanol-blended gasoline program, wintertime transit service and promotion of engine preheaters.
- 40 CFR Part 86, Federal Motor Vehicle Emission Control Program
- 18 AAC 52, Emissions Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) Requirements for Motor Vehicles
- 18 AAC 53, Fuel Requirements for Motor Vehicles
- Share-A-Ride Program - 12/20/2001
- Promotion of engine preheaters - 12/20/2001
- Free Winter Transit Service - 12/20/2001
Contingency Measures
- Commitment to implement Enhanced I/M Evader Enforcement Program.
EPA Effective Date
October 18, 2002