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Summary of Wallula Particulate Matter (PM-10) Attainment Plan


The Wallula, Washington, area was designated nonattainment for PM10 and classified as moderate upon enactment of the Clean Air Act Amendments in 1990.

The area was later redesignated as a serious nonattainment area on February 9, 2001 (66 FR 9663 (PDF)(11 pp, 172 K, About PDF)).

Washington submitted a PM10 attainment plan on November 30, 2004. EPA announced its proposed approval of the Wallula PM-10 plan revisions on February 1, 2005 (70 FR 5085 (PDF)(9 pp, 184 K)).

On May 2, 2005, EPA approved the Wallula PM10 attainment plan (70 FR 22597 (PDF)(3 pp, 149 K)).


The plan relies on a control strategy that focuses on the control of fugitive dust from agricultural sources and a composting operation to assure attainment of the PM10 National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS).

Permits or Administrative Orders

  • Washington Department of Ecology Administrative Order No. 02AQER-5074 for IBP, Inc. (now known as Tyson Foods Inc.) dated December 6, 2002, except for the following: Finding number 4 (“T-BACT”), found on page 5 of document and item 3.3 of Approval Condition number 3 (“Emission Limits and Test Methods”) found on page 7 of the document. 
  • Washington State Department of Ecology Air Operating Permit for Boise White Paper, L.L.C. Permit No. 000369-7, dated December 1, 2004, the following condition only: 1.Q.1 (“Particulate-fugitive dust”) of item Q (“Landfill/Compost Operation”). 
  • Washington State Department of Ecology Administrative Order for Boise Cascade Corporation, Wallula Mill, Order No. 1614-AQ04, dated August 19, 2004 and effective September 15, 2004, the following conditions only: No. 1 (“Approval Conditions”) and Appendix A (“Dust Control Plan” for Boise Paper—Wallula Mill, “Landfill and Composting Areas”) dated February 18, 2004.
  • Fugitive Dust Control Plan for Simplot Feeders Limited Partnership , dated December 1, 2003.

State Plans/Guidelines

  • Columbia Plateau Windblown Dust Natural Events Action Plan, Washington State Department of Ecology  (2003)
  • Fugitive Dust Control Guidelines for Beef Cattle Feedlots and Best Management Practices, Washington State Department of Ecology  (December 13, 1995)

Contingency Measures

Improvements to process for identifying source contributors during high wind events, PM10 reduction projects included in the 2003 Natural Events Action Plan, and demonstrations of BACM for natural events with EPA review. 

EPA Effective Date

June 1, 2005