Latest EPA Action: October 3, 2013
Note: The official SIPs are contained in regulations promulgated in the Federal Register and codified in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). EPA’s web-versions of the approved SIPs are for reference. While we make every effort to maintain the accuracy of the files accessible here, inconsistencies may occur. Please contact us if you find any errors in these files.
View Full Text of EPA Approved Regulations
Applicable in Clallam, Grays Harbor, Jefferson, Mason, Pacific, and Thurston counties, excluding facilities subject to Energy Facilities Site Evaluation Council (EFSEC) jurisdiction, Indian reservations and any other area where the EPA or an Indian tribe has demonstrated that a tribe has jurisdiction, and facilities subject to the applicability sections of WAC 173-400-700, 173-405-012, 173-410-012, and 173-415-012.
State/local citation |
Title/subject | State/local effective date |
EPA approval date | Explanations |
Olympic Region Clean Air Agency Regulations | ||||
Rule 6.2 Outdoor Burning | ||||
6.2.3 | No Residential or Land Clearing Burning | 2/4/12 | 10/3/13 78 FR 61188 (PDF)(4 pp, 240 K, About PDF) |
Only as it applies to the cities of Olympia, Lacey, and Tumwater. |
6.2.6 | Curtailment | 3/18/11 | 10/3/13 78 FR 61188 (PDF)(4 pp, 240 K) |
6.2.7 | Recreational Burning | 3/18/11 | 10/3/13 78 FR 61188 (PDF)(4 pp, 240 K) |
Rule 8.1 Wood Heating | ||||
8.1.1 | Definitions | 5/22/10 | 10/3/13 78 FR 61188 (PDF)(4 pp, 240 K) |
8.1.2(b) and (c) | General Emission Standards | 5/22/10 | 10/3/13 78 FR 61188 (PDF)(4 pp, 240 K) |
8.1.3 | Prohibited Fuel Types | 5/22/10 | 10/3/13 78 FR 61188 (PDF)(4 pp, 240 K) |
8.1.4 | Curtailment | 5/22/10 | 10/3/13 78 FR 61188 (PDF)(4 pp, 240 K) |
8.1.5 | Exceptions | 5/22/10 | 10/3/13 78 FR 61188 (PDF)(4 pp, 240 K) |
8.1.7 | Sale and Installation of Uncertified Woodstoves | 5/22/10 | 10/3/13 78 FR 61188 (PDF)(4 pp, 240 K) |
8.1.8 | Disposal of Uncertified Woodstoves | 5/22/10 | 10/3/13 78 FR 61188 (PDF)(4 pp, 240 K) |
Washington Department of Ecology Regulations | ||||
Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 173-400—General Regulations for Air Pollution Sources | ||||
173-400-010 | Policy and Purpose | 3/22/91 | 6/2/95 60 FR 28726 (PDF)(4 pp, 128 K) |
173-400-020 | Applicability | 3/22/91 | 6/2/95 60 FR 28726 (PDF)(4 pp, 128 K) |
173-400-030 | Definitions | 3/22/91 | 6/2/95 60 FR 28726 (PDF)(4 pp, 128 K) |
173-400-040 | General Standards for Maximum Emissions | 3/22/91 | 6/2/95 60 FR 28726 (PDF)(4 pp, 128 K) |
Except (1)(c), and (1)(d), (2), (4), and the 2nd paragraph of (6). |
173-400-050 | Emission Standards for Combustion and Incineration Units | 3/22/91 | 6/2/95 60 FR 28726 (PDF)(4 pp, 128 K) |
Except the exception provision in (3). |
173-400-060 | Emission Standards for General Process Units | 3/22/91 | 6/2/95 60 FR 28726 (PDF)(4 pp, 128 K) |
173-400-070 | Emission Standards for Certain Source Categories | 3/22/91 | 6/2/95 60 FR 28726 (PDF)(4 pp, 128 K) |
Except (7). |
173-400-081 | Startup and Shutdown | 9/20/93 | 6/2/95 60 FR 28726 (PDF)(4 pp, 128 K) |
173-400-091 | Voluntary Limits on Emissions | 9/20/93 | 6/2/95 60 FR 28726 (PDF)(4 pp, 128 K) |
9/20/93 version continues to be approved under the authority of CAA Section 112(l) with respect to Section 112 hazardous air pollutants. See 60 FR 28726 (June 2, 1995). |
173-400-100 | Registration | 9/20/93 | 6/2/95 60 FR 28726 (PDF)(4 pp, 128 K) |
173-400-105 | Records, Monitoring and Reporting | 9/20/93 | 6/2/95 60 FR 28726 (PDF)(4 pp, 128 K) |
173-400-107 | Excess Emissions | 9/20/93 | 6/2/95 60 FR 28726 (PDF)(4 pp, 128 K) |
173-400-110 | New Source Review (NSR) | 9/20/93 | 6/2/95 60 FR 28726 (PDF)(4 pp, 128 K) |
173-400-112 | Requirements for New Sources in Nonattainment Areas | 9/20/93 | 6/2/95 60 FR 28726 (PDF)(4 pp, 128 K) |
Except (8). |
173-400-113 | Requirements for New Sources in Attainment or Unclassifiable Areas | 9/20/93 | 6/2/95 60 FR 28726 (PDF)(4 pp, 128 K) |
Except (5). |
173-400-151 | Retrofit Requirements for Visibility Protection | 3/22/91 | 6/2/95 60 FR 28726 (PDF)(4 pp, 128 K) |
173-400-161 | Compliance Schedules | 3/22/91 | 6/2/95 60 FR 28726 (PDF)(4 pp, 128 K) |
173-400-171 | Public Involvement | 9/20/93 | 6/2/95 60 FR 28726 (PDF)(4 pp, 128 K) |
173-400-190 | Requirements for Nonattainment Areas | 3/22/91 | 6/2/95 60 FR 28726 (PDF)(4 pp, 128 K) |
173-400-200 | Creditable Stack Height & Dispersion Techniques | 3/22/91 | 6/2/95 60 FR 28726 (PDF)(4 pp, 128 K) |
173-400-205 | Adjustment for Atmospheric Conditions | 3/22/91 | 6/2/95 60 FR 28726 (PDF)(4 pp, 128 K) |
173-400-210 | Emission Requirements of Prior Jurisdictions | 3/22/91 | 6/2/95 60 FR 28726 (PDF)(4 pp, 128 K) |
Full Text of Approved Rules
Note: Strikeout text denotes sections not incorporated by reference by EPA.
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Table 6 - Additional Regulations Approved for the Olympic Region Clean Air Agency (ORCAA) Jurisdiction (PDF)(45 pp, 270 K)
Full text of EPA-approved regulations for 40 CFR part 52.2470(c) Table 6.