* State: West Virginia
* Agency: WV-Department of Environmental Protection
* Regulation Type: Rule
* Rule #: 45 CSR 19
* Rule Title: Permits for Construction and Major Modification of Major Stationary Sources of Air Pollution Which Cause or Contribute to Nonattainment
* State Effective Date: 06/01/2013
* Final Federal Register Date: 05/26/2015
* Federal Register Citation #: 80 FR 29972
* Superseded:
* Rescinded Date:
* Comments: 1. Regulation replaces Chapter 16-20, Regulation XIX with a SIP-effective date of 8/1/1985. The SIP-effective date of 45 CSR 19 is 12/4/06. Note: The following regulatory text of 45 CSR 19 is provided for information purposes only, and is not considered part of the SIP-approved rule:
2. Sections 19-2.16; 19-2.33 .c.8; 19-2.39.b.2.C; 19-2.39.b.5;19-2.53; 19-3.4.e; 19-3.4.f, Sentence 2 ["For example . . ."];19-3.6; 19-17.4 ["at a clean unit or" and "there is a reasonable possibility that"];19-20 (all); 19-21 (all); and 19-22 (all).
3. 80 FR 29972 - approval of SIP submittals from 6-29-10, 7-8-11, 7-6-12, and 7-1-14 with the exception of certain revisions related to ethanol production facilities on the EPA took no action on these.
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WV_csr_19.pdf (PDF)(50 pp, 12 MB,
West Virginia SIP, 45 CSR 19