* State: West Virginia
* Agency: WV-Department of Environmental Protection
* Regulation Type: Rule
* Rule #: 45 CSR 40
* Rule Title: Control of Ozone Season Nitrogen Oxides Emissions
* State Effective Date: 07/01/2016
* Final Federal Register Date: 12/04/2018
* Federal Register Citation #: 83 FR 62470
Superseded /
Rescinded Date
1.Sections 45-40-40 through 45-40-42 only; Phase I (2009-2014) and EGUs only. The SIP effective date is 12/18/07.
2. Addition of Sections 45-40-1 through 45-40-24 and 45-40-43 through 45-40-110; Revisions to Sections 45-40-40 through 45-40-42; The SIP effective date is 8/4/09. 74 FR 38536
3. 12-4-18 83 FR 62470 Changed title and some chapter titles...removed sections 45-40-12 through 45-40110 and revised sections 45-40-1 through 45-40-11. State regulation 7/1/16...federally effective January 3, 2019.
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West Virginia SIP, 45_csr_40 (PDF)(14 pp, 7 MB)
West Virginia SIP, 45_csr_40