* State: West Virginia
* Agency: WV-Department of Environmental Protection
* Regulation Type: Source Specific Requirement
* Rule: #40 CFR Part 52, Subpart XX, Section 52.2520(d)
* Rule Title: International Mill Service
* State Effective Date: 11/14/1991
* Final Federal Register Date: 07/25/1994
* Federal Register Citation: #FR 37696
Rescinded Date:
* Agency: WV-Department of Environmental Protection
* Regulation Type: Source Specific Requirement
* Rule: #40 CFR Part 52, Subpart XX, Section 52.2520(d)
* Rule Title: International Mill Service
* State Effective Date: 11/14/1991
* Final Federal Register Date: 07/25/1994
* Federal Register Citation: #FR 37696
Rescinded Date:
West Virginia SIP, Source Specific Requirement International Mill Service (PDF)(16 pp, 3 MB,
West Virginia SIP, Source Specific Requirement International Mill Service