Summary Status Priority Category Version Component Replies Last updatedsort icon Assigned to
Xpath Functions active normal bug reports 6.x-1.x-dev Code 7 20 min 57 sec twistor
Unable to upload .html files fixed normal bug reports 7.x-1.0-beta1 Code 3 18 hours 5 min twistor
Import to multiple content types active normal feature requests 6.x-1.10 User interface 1 1 day 3 hours
Parser includes tags in mapped output active normal support requests 7.x-1.0-beta1 Documentation 2 3 days 10 hours opensanta
Errors fixed normal support requests 6.x-1.9 Code 3 4 days 3 hours twistor
Loop through HTML - all data is in one node? fixed normal feature requests 6.x-1.9 Code 3 4 days 19 hours opensanta
Patch: add encoding options for PHP tidy feature patch (to be ported) normal feature requests 6.x-1.x-dev Code 1 5 days 17 hours twistor
Import and Maintain 1300+ Node Items fixed normal support requests 6.x-1.10 Code 1 6 days 2 hours
Documentation update fixed normal support requests 6.x-1.9 Documentation 2 6 days 3 hours opensanta
An HTTP error 404 occured postponed (maintainer needs more info) normal bug reports 6.x-1.9 Code 2 1 week 1 day twistor
Does it work with Feeds Image Grabber active normal support requests 6.x-1.x-dev Code 0 1 week 1 day
Node published date not being correctly mapped (set to 1 Jan 1970) fixed normal bug reports 6.x-1.x-dev Code 7 1 week 1 day twistor
fields to fill xpath not displayed in importer interface except for "body" postponed (maintainer needs more info) major bug reports 7.x-1.0-beta1 Code 6 1 week 1 day twistor
parsing link field active normal support requests 6.x-1.x-dev Miscellaneous 0 1 week 3 days
Error when switching to XML Parser fixed normal bug reports 7.x-1.0-beta1 Code 3 1 week 3 days twistor
Duplicate content even if "unique target" is set active normal bug reports 7.x-1.0-beta1 Code 2 1 week 4 days
Labels/field names become meaningless with Data Processor active normal feature requests 6.x-1.x-dev User interface 4 1 week 4 days twistor
Xpath namespace help active normal support requests 6.x-1.x-dev Documentation 0 2 weeks 1 day
warning: mysql_real_escape_string() postponed (maintainer needs more info) normal bug reports 6.x-1.x-dev Code 29 3 weeks 1 day twistor
Feeds XPath Parser: warning: Invalid argument postponed (maintainer needs more info) normal bug reports 6.x-1.x-dev Code 8 3 weeks 1 day twistor
What am I missing? FeedsXPathParser: No mappings are defined. active normal support requests 6.x-1.10 Miscellaneous 1 8 weeks 3 days
CDATA in tag not producing text active normal support requests 6.x-1.9 User interface 0 8 weeks 4 days
Cant map empty fields active normal bug reports 6.x-1.10 Code 0 8 weeks 5 days
Support literal XPath expressions active normal feature requests 6.x-1.x-dev Code 2 9 weeks 5 days
adding a prefix to a parsed xml value. active normal support requests 6.x-1.9 Documentation 3 9 weeks 5 days
Mapping on import postponed normal feature requests 6.x-1.x-dev Code 3 10 weeks 3 days roderik
Feeds XPath Parser: HTML parser example for number expressions active normal support requests 6.x-1.x-dev Code 14 12 weeks 4 days twistor
I dont want to define any field queries postponed minor feature requests 6.x-1.x-dev Code 3 14 weeks 2 days
Document // and other syntax for this module a little better needs work normal tasks 6.x-1.x-dev Documentation 7 15 weeks 2 hours twistor
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