VARNUM NAME LABEL TYPE LENGTH 1 SITE_ID ID Assigned to Each Site 2 25 2 VISIT_NO Sequential Visit Number Within Year 1 3 SITE_TYPE PROB_Samp: Lake is from probability sample and can be used for population estimation. REF_Lake: Lake is not from probability sample and was selected as a candidate reference lake 2 10 4 LAKE_SAMP "Eval. status. _Denied (access denied). _Inaccess (physically inaccessible). _Other. _LT_4ha (< 4ha). _Shallow (< 1m deep). _Vegetated (< 1000 m2 open H2O). _Saline (tidal). Special_Purpose (aquacult., disposal, WWT, or evap.). Not_Lake (other)" 2 20 5 TNT Target:Non-target evaluation status derived from LAKE_SAMP 2 10 6 LAT_DD Latitude (decimal degrees) obtained from NHD (NAD83) 1 7 LON_DD Longitude (decimal degrees) obtained from NHD (NAD83) 1 8 ST State two letter code 2 2 9 EPA_REG EPA Region 2 9 10 AREA_CAT7 Lake area unequal probability category (7 categories) 2 10 11 NESLAKE NESLake-Lake was included in 1970s National Eutrophication Survey 2 7 12 STRATUM Probability survey design stratum. NLALake is single stratum 2 8 13 PANEL Panel_1-lake was included in base design. OverSamp-Lake was part of over sample of lakes used for replacing lakes in base design if they could not be sampled 2 8 14 DSGN_CAT Probability survey design categories used to assign unequal probability of selection 2 15 15 MDCATY Unequal selection probability for lake 1 16 WGT Initial site weight based on base design. DO NOT USE for population estimation 1 17 WGT_NLA Adjusted site weight. USE for population estimation 1 18 ADJWGT_CAT Categories used to adjust initial design weight (WGT) to account for use of over sample lakes. 2 5 19 URBAN URBAN LAKE? (YES/NO) 2 3 20 WSA_ECO3 Wadeable Stream Assessment three aggregrated Omernik level 3 ecoregions 2 6 21 WSA_ECO9 Wadeable Stream Assessment nine aggregrated Omernik level 3 ecoregions 2 3 22 ECO_LEV_3 Omernik level 3 ecoregion number 2 2 23 NUT_REG "Nutrient ecoregion, based on EPA nutrient criteria documents for lakes & reservoirs)" 2 4 24 NUTREG_NAME Nutrient ecoregion name 2 60 25 ECO_NUTA NLA Aggregate Nutrient Ecoregion 2 5 26 LAKE_ORIGIN "Lake origin (MAN-MADE, NATURAL [which includes natural lakes augmented by dams])" 2 9 27 ECO3_X_ORIGIN WSA_ECO3 x LAKE_ORIGIN CLASS 2 20 28 REF_CLUSTER NLA Reference Site Cluster (A-G) 2 1 29 RT_NLA "NLA Reference Class Assignment (REF=reference, SO-SO=intermediate, TRASH=impacted)" 2 8 30 REF_NUTR Nutrient Least Disturbed Reference Site (Y/N) 2 1 31 HUC_2 Hydrologic region (2-digit) 2 2 32 HUC_8 Hydrologic region (8-digit) 2 8 33 FLAG_INFO Data qualifier flag for lake info data 2 12 34 COMMENT_INFO Comments and flag explanations for lake info data 2 160 35 SAMPLED Site Sampled Code 2 30 36 SAMPLED_OE5 Site Sampled Code for plankton O/E indicator (= both plankton samples and all predictor variables collected) 2 24 37 INDXSAMP_OE5 Index Planktonic O/E visit for site (YES/NO)-typically visit 1 2 3 38 OE5 Plankton O/E value 1 39 OE5_COND "CONDITION CLASS (PLANKTON O/E INDICATOR)BASED ON FIXED TAXA LOSS THRESHOLDS (0.8, 0.6)" 2 30 40 OE5_COND_985 "CONDITION CLASS (PLANKTON O/E INDICATOR)BASED ON FIXED TAXA LOSS THRESHOLDS (0.9, 0.8, and 0.5)" 2 30 41 OE5_COND_R CONDITION CLASS (PLANKTON O/E INDICATOR) BASED ON THRESHOLDS DERIVED FROM REFERENCE SITES 2 30 42 SHORT_ID Unique 5-character site-visit ID number (for use with PC-ORD) 2 5 43 FLAG_OE5 Data qualifier Flag for plankton O/E index 2 12 44 COMMENT_OE5 Comments and flag explanations for plankton O/E index 2 160