VARNUM NAME LABEL TYPE LENGTH 1 SITE_ID ID Assigned to Each Site 2 25 2 VISIT_NO Sequential Visit Number Within Year 1 3 SITE_TYPE PROB_Samp: Lake is from probability sample and can be used for population estimation. REF_Lake: Lake is not from probability sample and was selected as a candidate reference lake 2 10 4 LAKE_SAMP "Eval. status. _Denied (access denied). _Inaccess (physically inaccessible). _Other. _LT_4ha (< 4ha). _Shallow (< 1m deep). _Vegetated (< 1000 m2 open H2O). _Saline (tidal). Special_Purpose (aquacult., disposal, WWT, or evap.). Not_Lake (other)" 2 20 5 SAMPLED_OE5 Site Sampled Code for plankton O/E indicator (= both plankton samples and all predictor variables collected) 2 24 6 INDXSAMP_OE5 Index Planktonic O/E visit for site (YES/NO)-typically visit 1 2 3 7 OE5 Plankton O/E value 1 8 FLAG_OE5 Data qualifier Flag for plankton O/E index 2 12 9 COMMENT_OE5 Comments and flag explanations for plankton O/E index 2 160 10 SAMPLED_ZOOP Zooplankton sample collected? 2 24 11 SAMPLED_PHYT Phytoplankton sample collected? 2 16 12 WSA_ECO3 Wadeable Stream Assessment three aggregrated Omernik level 3 ecoregions 2 6 13 AREA_HA Lake polygon area (hectares) from NHD 1 14 SAMPLED_PHAB 2 11 15 SHORT_ID Unique 5-character site-visit ID number (for use with PC-ORD) 2 5