"VARIABLE" "DESCRIPTION" "UNITS" "RANGE_LOW" "RANGE_HIGH" "LEGAL_VALUES" "INCRFLOWU" "Incremental Flow (cfs) for Flowline as computed by the Unit Runoff Method" "cfs" "MAFLOWU" "Mean Annual Flow in cubic feet per second (cfs) at bottom of flowline as computed by Unit Runoff Method" "cfs" "MAFLOWV" "Mean Annual Flow (cfs) at bottom of flowline as computed by Vogel Method. In Hydrologic Region 20 (Hawaii), this value is the median annual flow (cfs) as computed using the method of Fontaine, et. al. (1992)." "cfs" "MAVELU" "Mean Annual Velocity (fps) at bottom of flowline as computed by Jobson Method (1996) using the flow in MAFlowU" "fps" "MAVELV" "Mean Annual Velocity (fps) at bottom of flowline as computed by Jobson Method (1996) using the flow in MAFlowV" "fps" "NHD10_DAMS_CNT" "Count of dams (Chuck Hawkins) located within NHDPlus 10km navigated subcatchment" "NONE" "NHD10_DAMS_DEN" "Density of dams (Chuck Hawkins) located within NHDPlus 10km navigated subcatchment" "" "NHDWAT_AREA_SQKM" "Area of NHDPlus navigated cumulative basin in square kilometers" "" "NHDWAT_DAMS_CNT" "Count of dams (Chuck Hawkins) located within NHDPlus navigated cumulative basin" "" "NHDWAT_DAMS_DEN" "Density of dams (Chuck Hawkins) located within NHDPlus navigated cumulative basin" "" "NHDWAT_NADP2009_MAX_CA" "Maximum value for Calcium ion wet deposition, 2009 - NHDPlus cumulative watershed geometry" "" "NHDWAT_NADP2009_MAX_CL" "Maximum value for Chloride ion wet deposition, 2009 - NHDPlus cumulative watershed geometry" "" "NHDWAT_NADP2009_MAX_K" "Maximum value for Potassium ion wet deposition, 2009 - NHDPlus cumulative watershed geometry" "" "NHDWAT_NADP2009_MAX_MG" "Maximum value for Magnesium ion wet deposition, 2009 - NHDPlus cumulative watershed geometry" "" "NHDWAT_NADP2009_MAX_NA" "Maximum value for Sodium ion wet deposition, 2009 - NHDPlus cumulative watershed geometry" "" "NHDWAT_NADP2009_MAX_NH4" "Maximum value for Ammonium ion wet deposition, 2009 - NHDPlus cumulative watershed geometry" "" "NHDWAT_NADP2009_MAX_NO3" "Maximum value for Nitrate ion wet deposition, 2009 - NHDPlus cumulative watershed geometry" "" "NHDWAT_NADP2009_MAX_SO4" "Maximum value for Sulfate ion wet deposition, 2009 - NHDPlus cumulative watershed geometry" "" "NHDWAT_NADP2009_MAX_TOTALN" "Maximum value for Total Inorganic nitrogen wet deposition from nitrate and ammonium, 2009 - NHDPlus cumulative watershed geometry" "" "NHDWAT_NADP2009_MEAN_CA" "Mean value for Calcium ion wet deposition, 2009 - NHDPlus cumulative watershed geometry" "" "NHDWAT_NADP2009_MEAN_CL" "Mean value for Chloride ion wet deposition, 2009 - NHDPlus cumulative watershed geometry" "" "NHDWAT_NADP2009_MEAN_K" "Mean value for Potassium ion wet deposition, 2009 - NHDPlus cumulative watershed geometry" "" "NHDWAT_NADP2009_MEAN_MG" "Mean value for Magnesium ion wet deposition, 2009 - NHDPlus cumulative watershed geometry" "" "NHDWAT_NADP2009_MEAN_NA" "Mean value for Sodium ion wet deposition, 2009 - NHDPlus cumulative watershed geometry" "" "NHDWAT_NADP2009_MEAN_NH4" "Mean value for Ammonium ion wet deposition, 2009 - NHDPlus cumulative watershed geometry" "" "NHDWAT_NADP2009_MEAN_NO3" "Mean value for Nitrate ion wet deposition, 2009 - NHDPlus cumulative watershed geometry" "" "NHDWAT_NADP2009_MEAN_SO4" "Mean value for Sulfate ion wet deposition, 2009 - NHDPlus cumulative watershed geometry" "" "NHDWAT_NADP2009_MEAN_TOTALN" "Mean value for Total Inorganic nitrogen wet deposition from nitrate and ammonium, 2009 - NHDPlus cumulative watershed geometry" "" "NHDWAT_NADP2009_MIN_CA" "Minimum value for Calcium ion wet deposition, 2009 - NHDPlus cumulative watershed geometry" "" "NHDWAT_NADP2009_MIN_CL" "Minimum value for Chloride ion wet deposition, 2009 - NHDPlus cumulative watershed geometry" "" "NHDWAT_NADP2009_MIN_K" "Minimum value for Potassium ion wet deposition, 2009 - NHDPlus cumulative watershed geometry" "" "NHDWAT_NADP2009_MIN_MG" "Minimum value for Magnesium ion wet deposition, 2009 - NHDPlus cumulative watershed geometry" "" "NHDWAT_NADP2009_MIN_NA" "Minimum value for Sodium ion wet deposition, 2009 - NHDPlus cumulative watershed geometry" "" "NHDWAT_NADP2009_MIN_NH4" "Minimum value for Ammonium ion wet deposition, 2009 - NHDPlus cumulative watershed geometry" "" "NHDWAT_NADP2009_MIN_NO3" "Minimum value for Nitrate ion wet deposition, 2009 - NHDPlus cumulative watershed geometry" "" "NHDWAT_NADP2009_MIN_SO4" "Minimum value for Sulfate ion wet deposition, 2009 - NHDPlus cumulative watershed geometry" "" "NHDWAT_NADP2009_MIN_TOTALN" "Minimum value for Total Inorganic nitrogen wet deposition from nitrate and ammonium, 2009 - NHDPlus cumulative watershed geometry" "" "NHDWAT_NADP2009_VAR_CA" "Variance value for Calcium ion wet deposition, 2009 - NHDPlus cumulative watershed geometry" "" "NHDWAT_NADP2009_VAR_CL" "Variance value for Chloride ion wet deposition, 2009 - NHDPlus cumulative watershed geometry" "" "NHDWAT_NADP2009_VAR_K" "Variance value for Potassium ion wet deposition, 2009 - NHDPlus cumulative watershed geometry" "" "NHDWAT_NADP2009_VAR_MG" "Variance value for Magnesium ion wet deposition, 2009 - NHDPlus cumulative watershed geometry" "" "NHDWAT_NADP2009_VAR_NA" "Variance value for Sodium ion wet deposition, 2009 - NHDPlus cumulative watershed geometry" "" "NHDWAT_NADP2009_VAR_NH4" "Variance value for Ammonium ion wet deposition, 2009 - NHDPlus cumulative watershed geometry" "" "NHDWAT_NADP2009_VAR_NO3" "Variance value for Nitrate ion wet deposition, 2009 - NHDPlus cumulative watershed geometry" "" "NHDWAT_NADP2009_VAR_SO4" "Variance value for Sulfate ion wet deposition, 2009 - NHDPlus cumulative watershed geometry" "" "NHDWAT_NADP2009_VAR_TOTALN" "Variance value for Total Inorganic nitrogen wet deposition from nitrate and ammonium, 2009 - NHDPlus cumulative watershed geometry" "" "NHDWAT_NEDELEV_MAX" "Maximum elevation value in meters (NED 30m resolution) within NHDPlus navigated cumulative basin" "m" "NHDWAT_ELEV" "Mean elevation value in meters (NED 30m resolution) within NHDPlus navigated cumulative basin" "m" "NHDWAT_NEDELEV_MIN" "Minimum elevation value in meters (NED 30m resolution) within NHDPlus navigated cumulative basin" "m" "NHDWAT_NEDELEV_RANGE" "Range of elevation values (NED 30m resolution) within NHDPlus navigated cumulative basin" "m" "NHDWAT_NEDELEV_STD" "Standard deviation of elevation values (NED 30m resolution) within NHDPlus navigated cumulative basin" "m" "NHDWAT_NEDSLOPE_MAX" "Maximum percent slope (NED 30m resolution) within NHDPlus navigated cumulative basin" "%" "NHDWAT_SLOPE" "Mean percent slope (NED 30m resolution) within NHDPlus navigated cumulative basin" "%" "NHDWAT_NEDSLOPE_MIN" "Minimum percent slope (NED 30m resolution) within NHDPlus navigated cumulative basin" "%" "NHDWAT_NEDSLOPE_RANGE" "Range of percent slope values (NED 30m resolution) within NHDPlus navigated cumulative basin" "%" "NHDWAT_NEDSLOPE_STD" "Standard deviation of percent slope values (NED 30m resolution) within NHDPlus navigated cumulative basin" "%" "NHDWAT_PCT_CANOPY" "Mean percent tree canopy (NLCD2001 tree canopy) within NHDPlus navigated cumulative basin" "" "NHDWAT_NLCD2001PI_MEAN" "Mean percent impervious surface (NLCD2001 Impervious Surface) within NHDPlus navigated cumulative basin" "" "NHDWAT_PCT_IMPERV" "Mean percent impervious surface (NLCD2006 Impervious Surface) within NHDPlus navigated cumulative basin" "" "NHDWAT_NPDESMAJORS_CNT" "Count of NPDES Major facilities located within NHDPlus navigated cumulative basin" "NONE" "NHDWAT_POP2000_CNT" "Count of population (2000 census) located within NHDPlus navigated cumulative basin" "" "NHDWAT_POPDENKM" "Density of population (2000 census) located within NHDPlus navigated cumulative basin" "" "RDDEN" "Density of roads (km/sqkm) located within NHDPlus navigated cumulative basin" "km/km2" "RDKM" "Kilometers of roads (NAVTEQ NAVSTREETS 2010) located within NHDPlus navigated cumulative basin" "km" "NHDWAT_PCT_SAND" "Mean percent sand (US EPA Atlas of Ecosystem Services - SSURGO & STATSGO2) within NHDPlus navigated cumulative basin" "" "TMAX_ANN" "Average maximum annual temperature in degrees Celsius (PRISM 1997-2000) at the sample site" "" "TMAX_JUL" "Average maximum July temperature in degrees Celsius (PRISM 1997-2000) at the sample site" "" "TMIN_ANN" "Average minimum annual temperature in degrees Celsius (PRISM 1997-2000) at the sample site" "" "TMIN_JUL" "Average minimum July temperature in degrees Celsius (PRISM 1997-2000) at the sample site" "" "SITE_ID" "Site identification code" "UID" "Unique site visit ID" "WSAREA_NARS" "NARS watershed area used in indicator analyses for NRSA 2008-9" "sq km" "PCT_AG" "% of NHDPlus navigated cumulative basin area classified as Pasture/Hay (81) or Row Crops (82) in NLCD" "PCT_URB" "% of NHDPlus navigated cumulative basin area classified as either Low Intensity Residential (21), High Intensity Residential (22), Commercial/Industrial/Transportation (23), or Developed High Intensity (24) in NLCD" "PCT_FOR" "% of NHDPlus navigated cumulative basin area classified as Deciduous Forest (41), Evergreen Forest (42), or Mixed Forest (43) in NLCD" "PCT_WET" "% of NHDPlus navigated cumulative basin area classified as Woody Wetlands (90), or Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands (95) in NLCD" "PCT_SHRUB_GRASS" "% of NHDPlus navigated cumulative basin area classified as Shrub/Scrub (52) or Grasslands/Herbaceous (71) in NLCD"