COLUMN_NAME SAMPLE_TYPE UNITS LABEL FORMABBR VAR_TYPE RANGE_HIGH RANGE_LOW LEGAL_VALUES ALGAL_MATS USACOE Mat or dried crusts of algae left on ground surfaces after dewatering NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y ANTRAMP_PRESENT HYDRO Trampling from animals present NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y ANTRAMP_RANK HYDRO "Influence of animal trampling on hydrology " NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |1|2|3 AQUATIC_INV USACOE "Live individuals, diapausing insect eggs or crustacean cysts, or dead remains of aquatic fauna, such as, but not limited to sponges, bivalves, aquatic snails, aquatic insects, ostracods, shrimp, other crustaceans, tadpoles, or fish, either on the soil surface or clinging to plants or other emergent objects" NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y BERMS_PRESENT HYDRO Berms(s) present NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y BERMS_RANK HYDRO Berm influence on hydrology NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |1|2|3 BIOTIC USACOE "Remnant biological crusts, bentic micro-flora, and dried remains of free-floating algae left on soil surface after dewatering" NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y BOX_PRESENT HYDRO Box culvert(s) present NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y BOX_RANK HYDRO Influence of box culvert(s) on hydrology NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |1|2|3 CLASS_FIELD_FWSST US Fish and Wildlife Service Status and Trends wetland class assigned during field visit CONCAVE USACOE Sparsely vegetated concave surfaces contrast with vegetated slopes and convex surfaces in the same area NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y CORR_PRESENT HYDRO Corrigated pipe culvert(s) present NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y CORR_RANK HYDRO Influence of corrigated pipe culvert(s) on hydrology NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |1|2|3 CRAB USACOE Fiddler crab burrows in mud or sand characterized by inorganic feeding pellets left near burrows after organic matter is removed NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y CRACKS USACOE "Shallow surface soil cracks formed when fine-grained mineral or organic sediments dry and shrink, often creating a network of cracks or small polygons" NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y CRAYFISH USACOE "Crayfish burrous - tunnels/opennings in soft ground upt 5cm in diamete, often surrounded by chimney-like mounds of excavated mud" NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y DAMS_PRESENT HYDRO Dam(s) present NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y DAMS_RANK HYDRO Dam influence on hydrology NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |1|2|3 DATE_COL Date of primary site visit DEPTH_1 HYDRO cm Cross-sectional depth of ditch at location1 NWCA_AAHYDRO NUMERIC 200 0 DEPTH_2 HYDRO cm Cross-sectional depth of ditch at location2 NWCA_AAHYDRO NUMERIC 200 0 DEPTH_3 HYDRO cm Cross-sectional depth of ditch at location3 NWCA_AAHYDRO NUMERIC 200 0 DIKES_PRESENT HYDRO Dike(s) present NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y DIKES_RANK HYDRO Influence of Dike on hydrology NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |1|2|3 DRAINAGE USACOE "Drainage patterns visible on soil surface or eroded into soil, low vegettation bent over in direction of flow, absence of leaf litter or small wooday debris due to flowing water, and similar evidence that water flowed over ground surface" NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y DRIFT USACOE "Drift deposits - Rafted debris (e.g., branches, stems, and leaves, manmande litter, other waterborne material) that has been deposited on the ground surface or entagled in vegetation or other fixed objects." NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y DRY USACOE Water table between 30 and 60 cm below the surface during dry season or drier than average year NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y ECO_X_ST "Combined NWCA_ECO4 and SANDT_FIELD_GRPS classes:CPL-PH=Coastal Plain Palustrine Herbaceaous,CPL-PW=Coastal Plain Palustrine Woody,E2EM=Estuarine Emergent,E2SS=Estuarine Shrub-scrub,EMU-PH=Eastern Mountains and Upper Midwest Herbaceous,EMU-PW=Eastern Mountains and Upper Midwest Woody,IPL-PH=Interior Plains Herbaceous,IPL-PW=Interior Plains Woody,W-PW=West Woody,W-PH=West Herbaceous" ESTCHANNEL_PRESENT HYDRO Esturarine tidal channel(s) are a water source NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y ESTCHANNEL_RANK HYDRO Esturarine tidal channel(s) influence on site NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |1|2|3 ESTSURGE_PRESENT HYDRO Sparsely vegetated concave surfaces contrast with vegetated slopes and convex surfaces in the same area NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y ESTSURGE_RANK HYDRO Estuarine tidal surge influence on site NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |1|2|3 EXCAVATION_PRESENT HYDRO Evidence of excavation or dredging present NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y EXCAVATION_RANK HYDRO Influence of excavation or dredging NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |1|2|3 GEOMORPHIC USACOE "Geomorphic position is a localized depression, linear drainage-way, concave position within a floodplain, at the toe of a slope, on the low elevation fringe of a pond or other water body, or an area where groundwater discharges" NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y GRDWATER_PRESENT HYDRO Groundwater is a water source NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y GRDWATER_RANK HYDRO Groundwater influence on site NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |1|2|3 HIGH_TABLE USACOE "Visual observation of water table that is 30cm or less below the soil surface including perched water, through-flow, and discharging groundwater" NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y IMPER_ASPHALT_PRESENT HYDRO Asphalt present NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y IMPER_ASPHALT_RANK HYDRO Influence of asphalt on hydrology NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |1|2|3 IMPER_CONCRETE_PRESENT HYDRO Concrete present NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y IMPER_CONCRETE_RANK HYDRO Influence of concrete on hydrology NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |1|2|3 IMPER_ROADS_PRESENT HYDRO Impervious road(s) present NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y IMPER_ROADS_RANK HYDRO Influence of impervious roads on hydrology NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |1|2|3 INFLOW_PRESENT HYDRO "Stream (creeks, rivers) inflow is present" NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y INFLOW_RANK HYDRO Inflow influence on site NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |1|2|3 INFLOWING_DITCH_PRESENT HYDRO Inflowing ditch(es) present NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y INFLOWING_DITCH_RANK HYDRO Influence of inflowing ditch(es) NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |1|2|3 IRON USACOE Iron deposits - Thin orange NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y IRRIGATION_PRESENT HYDRO Irrigation pump(s) present NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y IRRIGATION_RANK HYDRO Influence of irrigation pump(s) on hydrology NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |1|2|3 LAKE_PRESENT HYDRO Lake is present NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y LAKE_RANK HYDRO Lake influence on site NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |1|2|3 LEAVES USACOE Water stained leaves are fallen or recumbent dead leaves that are grayish or blackish in color due to inunudation for long periods NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y MARL USACOE "Marl deposits - Crumbly mixtures of clays, calcium and magnesium carbonates on the soil surface" NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y MICROTOPOGRAPHIC USACOE "Microtopographic relief that provides founding areas of seasonal inundation or shallow water tables, e.g., hummocks, flarks and strangs, tussocks, frost circles or pedestals, with micro highs less that 90cm above base soil level" NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y MOSS USACOE Moss trim lines on trees or other upright objects as result of seasonal inundation NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y MUCK USACOE Surficial thin (< 2.5cm) muck layer - sticky mud and organic material NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y NO_DITCH_PRESENT HYDRO No ditch(es) present NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y NWCA_ECO4 "Aggregated ecoregions based on FW_ECO9 regions:CPL=Coastal Plain,EMU=Eastern Mountains and Upper Midwest,IPL=Interior Plains,W=West" OTHER_SOURCE_PRESENT HYDRO Other water source - description NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y OTHER_SOURCE_RANK HYDRO Other water source influence on site NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |1|2|3 OTHER_STRESSOR_PRESENT HYDRO "Any other observed stressor, described using flag code and recorded in comments (FLAG)" NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y OTHER_STRESSOR_RANK HYDRO Influence of Other Stressor NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |1|2|3 OUTFLOW_PRESENT HYDRO "Stream (creeks, rivers) outflow is present" NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y OUTFLOW_RANK HYDRO Outflow influence on site NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |1|2|3 OUTFLOWING_DITCH_PRESENT HYDRO Outflowing ditch is present NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y OUTFLOWING_DITCH_RANK HYDRO Outflowing ditch influence on site NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |1|2|3 OVBKFLOOD_PRESENT HYDRO Overbank flooding is a water source NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y OVBKFLOOD_RANK HYDRO Overbank flooding influence on site NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |1|2|3 PRECIP_PRESENT HYDRO Precipitation is present NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y PRECIP_RANK HYDRO Precipitation influence on site NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |1|2|3 PRIOR_WEATHER HYDRO Description of weather during the week prior to sampling NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER PUMP_OTHER_PRESENT HYDRO Other pump(s) present; describe NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y PUMP_OTHER_RANK HYDRO Influence of other pump(s) on hydrology NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |1|2|3 ROADS_PRESENT HYDRO Road(s) present NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y ROADS_RANK HYDRO Road influence on hydrology NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |1|2|3 RRBED_PRESENT HYDRO Railroad bed is present NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y RRBED_RANK HYDRO Railroad bed influence on hydrology NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |1|2|3 RUTS_PRESENT HYDRO Vehicle rut(s) present NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y RUTS_RANK HYDRO Influence of vehicle ruts on hydrology NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |1|2|3 SALT USACOE Salt crusts on ground surface due to evaporation of saline surface water NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y SALT_DEPOSITS USACOE Whitish or brownish deposits of salts on ground surface accummulating through capillary action of groundwater NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y SATURATION USACOE Soaked soil conditions 30cm or less from the soil surface. Indicated by water glistening on the surfaces and broken interior faces of soil clods NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y SEDIMENT USACOE "Sediment deposits - thin layers or coatings of fine-grained mineral material (e.g., silt or clay) or organic matter (e.g., pollen), sometimes mixed with other detritus, remaining on tree bark, plant stems or leaves, rocks, and other objects after surface water recedes" NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y SEDIMENT_PRESENT HYDRO "Recently deposted sediment, active sedimentation from non-natural source" NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y SEDIMENT_RANK HYDRO Influence of recently deposited sediment on AA NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |1|2|3 SEWER_PRESENT HYDRO Sewer pipe(s) outfall present NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y SEWER_RANK HYDRO Influence of sewer pipe(s) outfall on AA NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |1|2|3 SHALLOW_AQUITARD USACOE Occurs in and around margins of depressions and consists of a low permeability layer within the soil profile that is potentially capabable of perching water within 30cm of the soil surface NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y SITE_ID Identification code for site SITE_USE Result classifies each point in a way that indicates how a point can be used in analysis or not SNOW_PRESENT HYDRO Snow is a water source NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y SNOW_RANK HYDRO Snow influence on site NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |1|2|3 SPRINGS_PRESENT HYDRO Spring(s) is (are) present NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y SPRINGS_RANK HYDRO Spring influence on site NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |1|2|3 STANDPIPE_PRESENT HYDRO Standpipe(s) outflow present NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y STANDPIPE_RANK HYDRO Influence of standpipe outflow on AA NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |1|2|3 STATE State abbreviation STRESSED_PLANTS USACOE Stunted or stressed plants NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y SULFIDE_ODOR USACOE Hydrogen sulfide odor (rotten egg scent) within 30cm of soil surface NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y SURFACE_WATER USACOE Surface water is observed NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y TIDAL_STAGE HYDRO Tidal stage at the beginning of sampling NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |FLOOD|INCOMING|NA|OUTGOING|SLACK TILING_PRESENT HYDRO Evidence of field tiling present NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y TILING_RANK HYDRO Inflence of field tiling on hydrology NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |1|2|3 TIME HYDRO datetime Time of hydrology sampling NWCA_AAHYDRO NUMERIC 2100 500 UID Unique identification number for a site visit VISIT_NO Visit number within the year WAT_SUPPLY_PRESENT HYDRO Water supply pump(s) present NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y WAT_SUPPLY_RANK HYDRO Influence of water supply pump(s) on hydrology NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |1|2|3 WATER_MARKS USACOE "Discolorations or stains on the bark of woody vegetation, rocks, bridge supports, buildings, fences, etc. as a result of inundation" NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER |Y WEATHER HYDRO Description of weather while sampling is being conducted NWCA_AAHYDRO CHARACTER