COLUMN_NAME SAMPLE_TYPE UNITS LABEL FORMABBR VAR_TYPE RANGE_HIGH RANGE_LOW LEGAL_VALUES CLASS_FIELD_FWSST US Fish and Wildlife Service Status and Trends wetland class assigned during field visit COLLECT_NO PLANT Collection number assigned to each plant specimen collected NWCA_VASCULAR NUMERIC 50 1 COVER PLANT Percent cover of plant species NWCA_VASCULAR CHARACTER 100 0.1 DATE_COL Date of primary site visit ECO_X_ST "Combined NWCA_ECO4 and SANDT_FIELD_GRPS classes:CPL-PH=Coastal Plain Palustrine Herbaceaous,CPL-PW=Coastal Plain Palustrine Woody,E2EM=Estuarine Emergent,E2SS=Estuarine Shrub-scrub,EMU-PH=Eastern Mountains and Upper Midwest Herbaceous,EMU-PW=Eastern Mountains and Upper Midwest Woody,IPL-PH=Interior Plains Herbaceous,IPL-PW=Interior Plains Woody,W-PW=West Woody,W-PH=West Herbaceous" HEIGHT PLANT Predominant height class for each species present across a Veg Plot NWCA_VASCULAR CHARACTER |1|2|3|4|5|6|E LINE Line number on field form NE PLANT "For each species present, the smallest scale at which it is first observed: 1-m2 or 10-m2 quadrat in the NE corner or in the larger Veg Plot" NWCA_VASCULAR CHARACTER |S|M|L NWCA_ECO4 "Aggregated ecoregions based on FW_ECO9 regions:CPL=Coastal Plain,EMU=Eastern Mountains and Upper Midwest,IPL=Interior Plains,W=West" PAGE Page number of field form for specific data type PLOT Sampling plot SITE_ID Identification code for site SITE_USE Result classifies each point in a way that indicates how a point can be used in analysis or not SPECIES PLANT "Scientific name for each species encountered in the Veg plot, or if an unknown the pseudonym for the species" NWCA_VASCULAR CHARACTER SPECIES_NAME_ID PLANT Number identifying a each specific plant taxon NWCA_VASCULAR CHARACTER STATE State abbreviation SW PLANT "For each species present, the smallest scale at which it is first observed: 1-m2 or 10-m2 quadrat in the SW corner or in the larger Veg Plot" NWCA_VASCULAR CHARACTER |S|M|L TYPE PLANT "If species is collected, the collection type" NWCA_VASCULAR CHARACTER |UNK|QA UID Unique identification number for a site visit VISIT_NO Visit number within the year