VARIABLE DESCRIPTION SAMPLE_TYPE UNITS RANGE_LOW RANGE_HIGH LEGAL_VALUES LINE Line number on field form UID Unique identification number for a site visit BUFFER_WIDTH_M2 Width of buffer in meters for directional lines originating at and extending outward from the AA perimetr. Examined for bufffer width on an aerial photo and ground truthed in the field METRIC2 m 0 100 ALGAE_M3 % Cover of filamentous or mat forming algae METRIC3 |1|2|3 CANOPY_HERBIV_M3 Tree canopy herbivory METRIC3 |1|2|3 CHEMICAL_M3 Chemical vegetation control (herbicide application) METRIC3 |1|2|3 CONFINED_M3 Confined animal feeding operations METRIC3 |1|2|3 CONTROL_M3 Water level control structure METRIC3 |1|2|3 CULVERTS_M3 "Culverts, pipes (point source discharge) in the buffer zone" METRIC3 |1|2|3 DAIRY_M3 Dairy METRIC3 |1|2|3 DIKES_M3 Dikes/dams/levees/railroad or roadbed METRIC3 |1|2|3 DITCHES_M3 Ditches/drains/channelization METRIC3 |1|2|3 EXCAVATION_M3 Excavation or dredging METRIC3 |1|2|3 FALLOW_OLD_M3 Fallow field - old METRIC3 |1|2|3 FALLOW_RECENT_M3 Fallow field - recent METRIC3 |1|2|3 FILL_M3 Fill or spoil banks METRIC3 |1|2|3 FIRE_M3 Fire lines (fire breaks) METRIC3 |1|2|3 FOREST_CLEAR_M3 Forest - clear cut METRIC3 |1|2|3 FOREST_SELECTIVE_M3 Forest - selective cut METRIC3 |1|2|3 GOLF_M3 Gold course METRIC3 |1|2|3 GRAINS_M3 Small grains METRIC3 |1|2|3 GRAVEL_M3 Gravel pit or mining METRIC3 |1|2|3 GRAZING_M3 "Heavily grazed grasses, exceesive grazing" METRIC3 |1|2|3 IMPERVIOUS_M3 Impervious surface input METRIC3 |1|2|3 INLETS_M3 Inlets and outlets METRIC3 |1|2|3 INVASIVE_COVER_M3 Cover of non-native or invasive species METRIC3 |1|2|3 IRRIGATION_M3 Irrigation (irrigated land) METRIC3 |1|2|3 LANDFILL_M3 Landfill METRIC3 |1|2|3 LAWN_M3 Lawn or park METRIC3 |1|2|3 MECHANICAL_M3 Other mechanical plant removal METRIC3 |1|2|3 MINE_M3 Surface mine METRIC3 |1|2|3 MOWING_M3 Mowing/shrub cutting (brush hogging) METRIC3 |1|2|3 OFFROAD_M3 Damage from offroad vehicles METRIC3 |1|2|3 OIL_M3 Oil or gas wells METRIC3 |1|2|3 ORCHARD_M3 Orchard METRIC3 |1|2|3 PARKING_M3 Parking lot METRIC3 |1|2|3 PASTURE_M3 Pasture/rangeland METRIC3 |1|2|3 PLANTATION_M3 Tree plantation present METRIC3 |1|2|3 POWER_M3 Presence of power lines or utility corridors (continual maintenance) METRIC3 |1|2|3 RECENT_BURN_FORESTD_M3 Recently burned forest canopy METRIC3 |1|2|3 RECENT_BURN_GRASSLAND_M3 Recently burned grassland METRIC3 |1|2|3 REMOVAL_DEBRIS_M3 Removal of large woody debris METRIC3 |1|2|3 ROAD_FOUR_M3 Road 4 lane METRIC3 |1|2|3 ROAD_GRAVEL_M3 Road - gravel METRIC3 |1|2|3 ROAD_TWO_M3 Road 1 or 2 lane paved METRIC3 |1|2|3 ROW_M3 Row crops METRIC3 |1|2|3 RURAL_M3 Rural residential METRIC3 |1|2|3 SEDIMENT_M3 "Sediment input (construction, erosion, agricultural runoff)" METRIC3 |1|2|3 SHRUB_HERBIV_M3 Shrub layer browsed METRIC3 |1|2|3 SOIL_M3 "Soil subsidence, scour, or surface erosion (root exposure)" METRIC3 |1|2|3 SPILLS_M3 "Obvious spills, discharge or odors, unusual water color or foam" METRIC3 |1|2|3 SUBSTRATE_M3 "Substrate distrubance(off-road vehicles, mountain biking, logging roads)" METRIC3 |1|2|3 SUBURBAN_M3 Suburban residential land use METRIC3 |1|2|3 TRAILS_M3 Trails METRIC3 |1|2|3 TRASH_M3 Trash/dumping METRIC3 |1|2|3 URBAN_COMMERCIAL_M3 Urban/commercial buildings METRIC3 |1|2|3 URBAN_MULTI_M3 Urban mulitfamily METRIC3 |1|2|3 WALL_M3 Wall or riprap METRIC3 |1|2|3 BAREGROUND_M4 Bareground METRIC4 |Y BURROWS_M4 Animal burrows or spoil piles form burrows (including ant or termite mounds) METRIC4 |Y CHANNELS_M4 Natural or artificial channels METRIC4 |Y COBBLES_M4 Cobbles or boulders METRIC4 |Y CRACKS_M4 Soil cracks or fissures METRIC4 |Y DEBRIS_M4 Natural or artificial debris in topographic low areas METRIC4 |Y DEBRIS_DIS_M4 "Natural or articial debris dispersed across AA (tree limbs, lumber, etc.)" METRIC4 |Y HIGHWATER_M4 Multiple high water marks etched in substrate METRIC4 |Y HORIZONTAL_M4 "Multiple horizontal plains, benches, terraces, or flats at different elevations" METRIC4 |Y LEVEE_M4 Natrual or artificial levee or berm METRIC4 |Y PLANT_M4 Plant hummocks or tussocks METRIC4 |Y POTHOLES_M4 "Potholes, sink holes or similar depressions not caused by animals" METRIC4 |Y SEDIMENT_M4 Inorganic sediment mounds not made by animals METRIC4 |Y SLOPES_M4 Multiple slopes of varying steepness METRIC4 |Y SLUMPS_M4 Bank slumps or undercut banks METRIC4 |Y SWALES_M4 Natural or artificial swales METRIC4 |Y TRACKS_M4 "Animal tracks deep enough to hold water (e.g., cattle or elk tracks)" METRIC4 |Y UNDERCUT_M4 Undercut banks METRIC4 |Y WALLOWS_M4 "Wallows, pig damage, or similar scale excavations by animals" METRIC4 |Y WRACK_M4 "Macroalgae occurs wrack (detached, debris, stranded)" METRIC4 |Y FLOATING_M6 Cover class for floating or floating-leaved plants METRIC6 |<10%|10-15%|16-25%|26-50%|>50% SHORT_EMERGENT_M6 Cover class for short emergent plants/forb/graminoid (< 0.5m) METRIC6 |<10%|10-15%|16-25%|26-50%|>50% SHORT_WOODY_M6 "Short woody plants (shrubs and trees, < 5.0 m)" METRIC6 |<10%|10-15%|16-25%|26-50%|>50% SUBMERGED_M6 Cover class for Submerged Plants (any depth) METRIC6 |<10%|10-15%|16-25%|26-50%|>50% TALL_EMERGENT_M6 Tall emergent plants/forbs/graminoids (> 0.5m) METRIC6 |<10%|10-15%|16-25%|26-50%|>50% TALL_WOODY_M6 Tall woody plants (shrubs and trees >= 5.0m METRIC6 |<10%|10-15%|16-25%|26-50%|>50% VINES_M6 "< 10%, 10-15%, 16-25%, 26-50%, >50%" METRIC6 |<10%|10-15%|16-25%|26-50%|>50% FLT_COVER_M7 Percent relative cover for each Floating or floating-leaved plant species METRIC7 |10|20|30|40|50|60|70|80|90|100 FLT_INVASIVE_M7 Invasiveness of each species in floating or floating-leaved stratum METRIC7 |Y FLT_SPECIES_M7 Scientific name for each species in the floating or floating-leaved stratum METRIC7 SEMERG_COVER_M7 Percent relative cover for each species in the short emergent plants stratum METRIC7 |10|20|30|40|50|60|70|80|90|100 SEMERG_INVASIVE_M7 Invasiveness of each species in short emergent plants stratum METRIC7 |Y SEMERG_SPECIES_M7 Scientific name for each species in the short emergent plants stratum METRIC7 STWOODY_COVER_M7 Percent relative cover for each species in the short woody plants stratum METRIC7 |10|20|30|40|50|60|70|80|90|100 STWOODY_INVASIVE_M7 Invasiveness of each species in short woody plants stratum METRIC7 |Y STWOODY_SPECIES_M7 Scientific name for each species in the short woody plants stratum METRIC7 SUB_COVER_M7 Percent relative cover for each submerged plant species METRIC7 |10|20|30|40|50|60|70|80|90|100 SUB_INVASIVE_M7 Submerged plant species is invasive METRIC7 |Y SUB_SPECIES_M7 Scientific name for each submerged plant species METRIC7 TEMERG_COVER_M7 Percent relative cover for each species in the tall emergent plants stratum METRIC7 |10|20|30|40|50|60|70|80|90|100 TEMERG_INVASIVE_M7 Invasiveness of each species in tall emergent plants stratum METRIC7 |Y TEMERG_SPECIES_M7 Scientific name for each species in the tall emergent plants stratum METRIC7 TLWOODY_COVER_M7 Percent relative cover for each species in the tall woody plants stratum METRIC7 |10|20|30|40|50|60|70|80|90|100 TLWOODY_INVASIVE_M7 Invasiveness of each species in the tall woody plants stratum METRIC7 |Y TLWOODY_SPECIES_M7 Scientific name for each species in the tall woody plants stratum METRIC7 VINE_INVASIVE_M7 Invasiveness of each species in the vine stratum METRIC7 |Y VINE_SPECIES_M7 Scientific name for each species in the vine stratum METRIC7 VINES_COVER_M7 Percent relative cover for each species in the viney plants stratum METRIC7 |10|20|30|40|50|60|70|80|90|100 ACID_MINE_M8 "Acid mine drainage (excessively clear water (low pH) or presence/accumulation of \yellow-boy\"" orange precipitate)""" METRIC8 |1|2|3 ALGAL_M8 Formation of heavy algal of Lemna sp. Surface mats or heavy benthic algal growth METRIC8 |1|2|3 DEBRIS_M8 "Debris lines on plants, trees or silt-laden vegetation" METRIC8 |1|2|3 FEEDLOT_M8 "Direct discharges from feedlot manure pits, etc." METRIC8 |1|2|3 FERTILIZER_M8 Direct application of fertilizer METRIC8 |1|2|3 PT_SOURCE_M8 "Point source inputs (discharge from wastewater plants, factories, etc)" METRIC8 |1|2|3 RUNOFF_M8 "Agricultural runoff (drain tiles, etc. discharging to site)" METRIC8 |1|2|3 SALTS_M8 "Obvious increases in the concetration of dissolved salts (deas or stressed plants; salt encrustations, etc.)" METRIC8 |1|2|3 SEDIMENTATION_M8 "Sedimentation, e.g., the presence of sediment fans, deposits, or plumes" METRIC8 |1|2|3 SEPTIC_M8 Direct discharges from septic or sewage systems METRIC8 |1|2|3 SPILLS_M8 "Obvious spills, discharge or odors, unusual water color or foam" METRIC8 |1|2|3 STORMWATER_M8 "Stormwater inputs (discarge pipes, culverts, sewer outfalls)" METRIC8 |1|2|3 TURBIDITY_M8 Turbidity in the water column METRIC8 |1|2|3 CONTROL_STRUCTURE_M9 Water level control structure that impounds water in all or part of the AA METRIC9 |1|2|3 CULVERTS_M9 "Culverts, pipes (point sources) into AA (change in water quality)" METRIC9 |1|2|3 DIE_OFF_M9 Die-off of trees within AA due to increased ponding (exempting beaver impounded sites) METRIC9 |1|2|3 DIKES_M9 Dikes/dams/levees/berms at AA margin or with AA or roadbed or railroad (acting as block to water flows into or through AA) METRIC9 |1|2|3 DITCHES_M9 Ditches/channelization with AA METRIC9 |1|2|3 SIPHONS_M9 "Siphons, pumps moving water in or out of AA" METRIC9 |1|2|3 STORMWATER_M9 Stormwater inputs from impervious surfaces/flashy flows into AA METRIC9 |1|2|3 TIDAL_M9 Tidal restriction in tidal wetlands (restricts flows to and from AA) METRIC9 |1|2|3 TILES_M9 Presence of agricultural tiles or culverts at AA margin or with AA METRIC9 |1|2|3 UNDERCUT_M9 Channels have deeply undercut banks and/or bank slumps or slides METRIC9 |1|2|3 UPLAND_PLANT_M9 Upland plant species encroaching into AA (due to drying of wetland) METRIC9 |1|2|3 COMPACTION_M10 "Soil compaction by human activity (parking by cars, heavy machinery, etc.)" METRIC10 |1|2|3 DREDGING_M10 Dredging or other prominent excavation at AA margin or in AA METRIC10 |1|2|3 DUMPING_M10 Dumping of garbage or other debris METRIC10 |1|2|3 FIRE_LINES_M10 Fire lines (fire breaks) dug in AA or at AA margin METRIC10 |1|2|3 GRADING_M10 "Filling, grading, or other prominent deposition of sediment" METRIC10 |1|2|3 GRAZING_DOMESTIC_M10 "Grazing by domesticated or feral animals in AA (trampling, digging wallowing, etc.)" METRIC10 |1|2|3 GRAZING_NATIVE_M10 Grazing by native ungulates METRIC10 |1|2|3 OFF_ROAD_M10 "Off-road vehicles, mountain biking, trails cut, etc." METRIC10 |1|2|3 PLANT_REMOVAL_M10 Mechanical plant removal besides tree cutting or woody debris removal METRIC10 |1|2|3 RECENT_FARMING_M10 "Recent farming activitiy (plowing, disking, etc)" METRIC10 |1|2|3 SED_INFLOW_M10 "Inorganic sedimentation inflow (sediment accumulation around vegetation, deep sediment splays, recent vegetation burial, etc)" METRIC10 |1|2|3 SUBSIDENCE_M10 "Soil subsidence, scour, or surface erosion (root exposure)" METRIC10 |1|2|3 CHEMICAL_M12 Chemical vegetation control (herbicide application) METRIC12 |1|2|3 DEBRIS_M12 Prominent removal of large woody debris METRIC12 |1|2|3 FARMING_M12 "Farming (recent plowing, disking, etc)" METRIC12 |1|2|3 FIRE_M12 Fire lines (fire breaks) METRIC12 |1|2|3 FOREST_CLEAR_M12 Forest - clear cut METRIC12 |1|2|3 FOREST_SELECTIVE_M12 Forest - selective cut METRIC12 |1|2|3 GRAZING_M12 "Grazing by domestic or feral animals (cows, sheeps, pigs, etc)" METRIC12 |1|2|3 INSECT_M12 "Excessive insect herbiovry of tree canopy, shrub layer" METRIC12 |1|2|3 INTENTIONAL_M12 "Evidence of intentional burning at AA margins or in AA (blackened tree canopy, ground cover, etc)" METRIC12 |1|2|3 MOWING_M12 Mowing with AA (or at AA margin) METRIC12 |1|2|3 NON_NATIVE_M12 Evidence of planting of non-native vegetation METRIC12 |1|2|3 PLANT_REMOVAL_M12 "Mechanical plant removal that disturbs substrate (rutting, grubbing by heavy machinery, etc)" METRIC12 |1|2|3 WILDLIFE_M12 "Excessive wildlife herbivory (deer, muskrate, geese, carp, beaver, etc)" METRIC12 |1|2|3