SAMPLE_TYPE DATA_COLUMN DESCRIPTION LABEL LEGAL_VALUES RANGE_HIGH RANGE_LOW UNITS ZOOPLANKTON CLADOCERA_SIZE Size group for cladocerans by taxon LARGE|SMALL None ZOOPLANKTON CLASS Class of taxon ZOOPLANKTON FAMILY Family of taxon ZOOPLANKTON FFG "Functional feeding group codes for zooplankton, " FILT|HERB|OMNI|PARA|PRED|UNK None ZOOPLANKTON GENUS Genus of taxon ZOOPLANKTON NET_SIZECLS_NEW "Net mesh size assigned to taxon: FINE=captured only by fine-mesh net, COARSE=captured by coarse and fine nets. Based on NLA 2012 methods." COARSE|FINE None ZOOPLANKTON NET_SIZECLS_RES "Net mesh size assigned to taxon: FINE=captured only by fine-mesh net, COARSE=captured by coarse and fine nets. Based on NLA 2007 methods, and only taxa occurring in NLA 2012 resample sites or NLA 2007 sites." COARSE|FINE None ZOOPLANKTON ORDER Order of taxon ZOOPLANKTON PHYLUM Phylum of taxon ZOOPLANKTON SPECIES Species of taxon ZOOPLANKTON SUBCLASS Subclass of taxon ZOOPLANKTON SUBFAMILY Subfamily of taxon ZOOPLANKTON SUBORDER Suborder of taxon ZOOPLANKTON SUBSPECIES Subspecies name None ZOOPLANKTON TARGET_TAXON Name of taxon at target taxon level PUBLICATION_DATE Publication Date ASSEMBLAGE_NAME Assemblage of taxon TAXA_ID Taxa identification number