SAMPLE_TYPE VARIABLE LABEL LEGAL_VALUES RANGE_HIGH RANGE_LOW REFERENCE UNITS PHYL ABUNDANCE Number of organisms counted from sample PHYL ANALYST_NAME Analyst name PHYL BIOVOLUME Volume of cells per mL of sample cu um/ml PHYL COUNT_AREA Total area actually counted sq mm PHYL COUNT_UNIT Unit of count (cell=C or natural unit=N) C|N None PHYL DENSITY Number of organisms/mL PHYL INITIAL_VOLUME Initial volume of sample ml PHYL IS_DISTINCT Distinct taxa classification per sample 1|0 PHYL SAMPLE_ID ID for sample collected PHYL SUBSAMPLE_VOLUME Volume of subsample ml PHYL TOTAL_AREA Total area available for counting sq mm PHYL UNIT_CELLS "Number of natural units counted, defined as one for each colony, filament, diatom cell (regardless if colonial or filamentous) or unicell" None PHYL VOLUME_COUNTED Actual volume counted (mL) PHYX ABUNDANCE Number of organisms counted from sample PHYX ANALYST_NAME Analyst name PHYX BIOVOLUME Volume of cells per mL of sample cu um/ml PHYX COUNT_AREA Total area actually counted sq mm PHYX COUNT_UNIT Unit of count (cell=C or natural unit=N) None PHYX DENSITY Number of organisms/mL PHYX INITIAL_VOLUME Initial volume of sample ml PHYX IS_DISTINCT Distinct taxa classification per sample 1|0 PHYX SAMPLE_ID ID for sample collected PHYX SUBSAMPLE_VOLUME Volume of subsample ml PHYX TOTAL_AREA Total area available for counting sq mm PHYX UNIT_CELLS "Number of natural units counted, defined as one for each colony, filament, diatom cell (regardless if colonial or filamentous) or unicell" None PHYX VOLUME_COUNTED Actual volume counted (mL) DESIGN AGGR_ECO3_2015 "NARS 3-level reporting region (2015), based on aggregating AGGR_ECO9_2015 reporting regions" EHIGH|PLNLOW|WMTNS DESIGN AGGR_ECO9_2015 "NARS 9-level reporting region (2015), based on aggregated Omernik Level III ecoregions" CPL|NAP|NPL|SAP|SPL|TPL|UMW|WMT|XER DESIGN STATE State lake is assigned to for sampling in NLA 2012 INVERTEBRATES CLASS Class of taxon INVERTEBRATES FAMILY Family of taxon INVERTEBRATES GENUS Genus of taxon INVERTEBRATES ORDER Order of taxon INVERTEBRATES PHYLUM Phylum of taxon INVERTEBRATES SPECIES Species of taxon INVERTEBRATES TARGET_TAXON Name of taxon at target taxon level PHYTOPLANKTON ALGAL_GROUP "Broad algal group, used in metric calculation" BLUE-GREEN ALGAE|CRYPTOPHYTES|DIATOM|DINOFLAGELLATES|EUGLENOIDS|EUSTIGMATOPHYTES|GOLDEN ALGAE|GREEN ALGAE|YELLOW-GREEN ALGAE None PHYTOPLANKTON CLASS Class of taxon PHYTOPLANKTON FAMILY Family of taxon PHYTOPLANKTON GENUS Genus of taxon PHYTOPLANKTON ORDER Order of taxon PHYTOPLANKTON PHYLUM Phylum of taxon PHYTOPLANKTON SPECIES Species of taxon PHYTOPLANKTON TARGET_TAXON Name of taxon at target taxon level ZOOPLANKTON CLASS Class of taxon ZOOPLANKTON FAMILY Family of taxon ZOOPLANKTON GENUS Genus of taxon ZOOPLANKTON ORDER Order of taxon ZOOPLANKTON PHYLUM Phylum of taxon ZOOPLANKTON SPECIES Species of taxon ZOOPLANKTON TARGET_TAXON Name of taxon at target taxon level VERIF DATE_COL Date of sample collection None VERIF SITE_ID Identification code for site VERIF VISIT_NO Sequential number of visit to site |1|2 PUBLICATION_DATE Date the dataset was published to the NARS site SAMPLE_TYPE Code identifying sample type UID Unique identifier for the site/visit ECO_BIO "Five aggregated ecoregions as used in NLA (CPL, EHIGH, PLAINS, UMW, WMTNS)" TAXA_ID Taxonomic ID number