PARAMETER DESCRIPTION SAMPLE_TYPE UNITS RANGE_LOW RANGE_HIGH LEGAL_VALUES AG_ECO9_NM NARS 9-level reporting region Name DESIGN Text names AG_ECO9_NM NARS 9-level reporting region name Text names. No missing values allowed. DESIGN COMP_PT Metric score for composition metric BERW 0 10 Good|Fair|Poor|Not Assessed COMP_PT Metric score for composition metric BETB 0 10 Good|Fair|Poor|Not Assessed DATE_COL Date of data collection in field VERIF DIVS_PT Metric score for diversity metric BERW 0 10 Good|Fair|Poor|Not Assessed DIVS_PT Metric score for diversity metric BETB 0 10 Good|Fair|Poor|Not Assessed FEED_PT Metric score for functional feeding group BERW 0 10 Good|Fair|Poor|Not Assessed FEED_PT Metric score for functional feeding group BETB 0 10 Good|Fair|Poor|Not Assessed HABT_PT Metric score for habit BERW 0 10 Good|Fair|Poor|Not Assessed HABT_PT Metric score for habit BETB 0 10 Good|Fair|Poor|Not Assessed INDEX_VISIT Index visit Y/blank VERIF LAT_DD83 Latitude (based on NAD83 datum) for stream site from NHD-based sample frame. DESIGN Numeric LAT_DD83 Latitude (based on NAD83 datum) for stream site from NHDPlusV2 Numeric. No missing values allowed. DESIGN LON_DD83 Longitude (based on NAD83 datum) for stream site from NHD-based sample frame. DESIGN Numeric LON_DD83 Longitude (based on NAD83 datum) for stream site from NHDPlusV2 Numeric. No missing values allowed. DESIGN METRIC_TAXA_ROOT "Taxonomic level used in calculation of metrics: WSA=taxonomic aggregation used in WSA-based NRSA MMI,LOWEST=NRSA target taxonomic level" METRIC_TAXA_ROOT "Taxonomic level used in calculation of metrics: WSA=taxonomic aggregation used in WSA-based NRSA MMI,LOWEST=NRSA target taxonomic level" METRIC_TAXA_ROOT "Taxonomic level used in calculation of metrics: WSA=taxonomic aggregation used in WSA-based NRSA MMI,LOWEST=NRSA target taxonomic level" MMI_BENT Benthic MMI score BERW 0 100 Good|Fair|Poor|Not Assessed MMI_BENT Benthic MMI score BETB 0 100 Good|Fair|Poor|Not Assessed OE_SCORE O/E score for benthic sample BERW 0 OE_SCORE O/E score for benthic sample BETB 0 PSTL_CODE State two-letter postal code DESIGN PSTL_CODE "State two letter postal code 50 state postal codes plus AS, MP, GU, PR, VI for American Samoa, Commonwealth of Northern Marianas, Guam, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands. No missing values allowed." DESIGN PUBLICATION_DATE Date of data file publication PUBLICATION_DATE Date of data file publication PUBLICATION_DATE Date of data file publication RICH_PT Metric score for taxa richness BERW 0 10 Good|Fair|Poor|Not Assessed RICH_PT Metric score for taxa richness BETB 0 10 Good|Fair|Poor|Not Assessed SAMPLE_TYPE Sample type SAMPLE_TYPE Sample type SAMPLE_TYPE Sample type SITE_ID Site ID VERIF SITE_ID "Site ID for the study and year sampled. Preferred form is NRSnn_MM-xxxxx where nn is current cycle year (04, 08, 13, 18, etc), MM is two letter state code, and xxxxx is between 10001 and 99999. Text. No missing values allowed." DESIGN SITETYPE Site type (Probability-based or hand-picked) DESIGN PROB | HAND SITETYPE "Site type (Probability-based or hand-picked). PROB for sites from probability survey. Usually HAND for hand-picked sites. In EMAP West and WSA, STARHAND is used to identify hand-picked sites that do not have all CORE indicators available." TOLR_PT Metric score for tolerance metric BERW 0 10 Good|Fair|Poor|Not Assessed TOLR_PT Metric score for tolerance metric BETB 0 10 Good|Fair|Poor|Not Assessed UID Unique site visit ID UID Unique site visit ID UID Unique site visit ID VISIT_NO Number identifying which visit this is VERIF |1|2