SAMPLE_TYPE PARAMETER DESCRIPTION LEGAL_VALUES RANGE_LOW RANGE_HIGH DESIGN AG_ECO9_NM NARS 9-level reporting region Name Text names DESIGN AG_ECO9_NM NARS 9-level reporting region name Text names. No missing values allowed. FISH ALIENNTAX Number of non-native (alien) taxa 0 FISH ALIENPIND % alien individuals 0 100 FISH ALIENPTAX % alien taxa 0 100 FISH ANOMPIND % individuals with anomalies (% DELT anomalies) 0 100 FISH BENTINVNTAX Number of benthic invertivore taxa FISH BENTINVPIND % benthic invertivore individuals FISH BENTINVPTAX % benthic invertivore taxa FISH CARNNTAX Number of carnivore taxa FISH CARNPIND % carnivore individuals FISH CARNPTAX % carnivore taxa FISH CATONTAX No. Catostomid taxa 0 FISH CATOPIND % Catostomid individuals 0 100 FISH CATOPTAX % Catostomid taxa 0 100 FISH CENTNTAX Number of Centrarchidae taxa (minus Micropterus) FISH CENTPIND % Centrarchidae individuals (minus Micropterus) FISH CENTPTAX % Centrarchidae taxa (minus Micropterus) FISH COLDNTAX No. coldwater taxa 0 FISH COLDPIND % coldwater individuals 0 100 FISH COLDPTAX % coldwater taxa 0 100 FISH CYPRNTAX Number of Cyprinidae taxa FISH CYPRPIND % Cyprinidae individuals FISH CYPRPTAX % Cyprinidae taxa VERIF DATE_COL Date of data collection in field FISH FISH_PROTOCOL Fish Sampling protocol |BOATABLE|LG_WADEABLE|WADEABLE FISH FISH_SAMPLING Fish Sampling - not conducted or suspended |NO_FISH|NOT_FISHED_REACH_MIN|NO_PERMIT|SITE_CONDITIONS|PERMIT_RESTRICT|EQUIPMENT_FAILURE|OTHER FISH HERBNTAX Number of herbivores taxa 0 FISH HERBPIND % herbivores individuals 0 100 FISH HERBPTAX % herbivores taxa 0 100 FISH ICTANTAX No. Ictalurid taxa 0 FISH ICTAPIND % Ictalurid individuals 0 100 FISH ICTAPTAX % Ictalurid taxa 0 100 VERIF INDEX_VISIT Index visit Y/blank FISH INTLCARNNTAX No. of intolerant carnivore taxa 0 100 FISH INTLCARNPIND % intolerant carnivore individuals 0 100 FISH INTLCARNPTAX % intolerant carnivore taxa 0 100 FISH INTLINVNTAX Number of intolerant invertivore taxa FISH INTLINVPIND % intolerant invertivore individuals FISH INTLINVPTAX % intolerant invertivore taxa FISH INTLLOTNTAX Number of intolerant lotic taxa FISH INTLLOTPIND % intolerant lotic individuals FISH INTLLOTPTAX % intolerant lotic taxa FISH INTLMIGRNTAX Number of intolerant migratory taxa FISH INTLMIGRPIND % intolerant migratory individuals FISH INTLMIGRPTAX % intolerant migratory taxa FISH INTLNTAX No. distinct intolerant taxa based on TOLERANCE_NRSA 0 FISH INTLPIND % Intolerant individuals based on TOLERANCE_NRSA 0 100 FISH INTLPTAX % Intolerant taxa based on TOLERANCE_NRSA 0 100 FISH INTLRHEONTAX Number of intolerant rheophilic taxa FISH INTLRHEOPIND % intolerant rheophilic individuals FISH INTLRHEOPTAX % intolerant rheophilic taxa FISH INVNTAX Number of invertivore taxa FISH INVPIND % invertivore individuals FISH INVPTAX % invertivore taxa DESIGN LAT_DD83 Latitude (based on NAD83 datum) for stream site from NHD-based sample frame. Numeric DESIGN LAT_DD83 Latitude (based on NAD83 datum) for stream site from NHDPlusV2 Numeric. No missing values allowed. FISH LITHNTAX No. lithophilic taxa 0 FISH LITHPIND % lithophilic individuals 0 100 FISH LITHPTAX % lithophilic taxa 0 100 DESIGN LON_DD83 Longitude (based on NAD83 datum) for stream site from NHD-based sample frame. Numeric DESIGN LON_DD83 Longitude (based on NAD83 datum) for stream site from NHDPlusV2 Numeric. No missing values allowed. FISH LOTNTAX Number of lotic taxa FISH LOTPIND % lotic individuals FISH LOTPTAX % lotic taxa FISH MIGRNTAX Number of migratory taxa FISH MIGRPIND % migratory individuals FISH MIGRPTAX % migratory taxa FISH MTOLNTAX No. distinct intermediate tolerant taxa based on TOLERANCE_NRSA 0 FISH MTOLPIND % Intermediate tolerant individuals based on TOLERANCE_NRSA 0 100 FISH MTOLPTAX % intermediate tolerant taxa based on TOLERANCE_NRSA 0 100 FISH NAT_BENTINVNTAX Number of native benthic invertivore taxa FISH NAT_BENTINVPIND % native individuals as benthic invertivore FISH NAT_BENTINVPTAX % native taxa as benthic invertivore FISH NAT_CARNNTAX Number of native carnivore taxa FISH NAT_CARNPIND % native individuals as carnivore FISH NAT_CARNPTAX % native taxa as carnivore FISH NAT_CATONTAX No. native Catostomid taxa 0 FISH NAT_CATOPIND % native individuals as Catostomid 0 100 FISH NAT_CATOPTAX % native taxa as Catostomid 0 100 FISH NAT_CENTNTAX Number of native Centrarchidae (minus Micropterus) taxa FISH NAT_CENTPIND % native individuals as Centrarchidae (minus Micropterus) FISH NAT_CENTPTAX % native taxa as Centrarchidae (minus Micropterus) FISH NAT_COLDNTAX Number of native coldwater taxa FISH NAT_COLDPIND % native individuals as coldwater FISH NAT_COLDPTAX % native taxa as coldwater FISH NAT_CYPRNTAX Number of native Cyprinidae taxa FISH NAT_CYPRPIND % native individuals as Cyprinidae FISH NAT_CYPRPTAX % native taxa as Cyprinidae FISH NAT_HERBNTAX Number of native herbivores taxa 0 FISH NAT_HERBPIND % native individuals as native herbivores 0 100 FISH NAT_HERBPTAX % native taxa as native herbivores 0 100 FISH NAT_ICTANTAX Number of native Ictaluridae taxa FISH NAT_ICTAPIND % native individuals as Ictaluridae FISH NAT_ICTAPTAX % native taxa as Ictaluridae FISH NAT_INTLCARNNTAX No. of native intolerant carnivore taxa 0 100 FISH NAT_INTLCARNPIND % native intolerant carnivore individuals 0 100 FISH NAT_INTLCARNPTAX % native intolerant carnivore taxa 0 100 FISH NAT_INTLINVNTAX Number of native intolerant invertivore taxa FISH NAT_INTLINVPIND % native individuals as intolerant invertivore FISH NAT_INTLINVPTAX % native taxa as intolerant invertivore FISH NAT_INTLLOTNTAX Number of native intolerant lotic taxa FISH NAT_INTLLOTPIND % native individuals as intolerant lotic FISH NAT_INTLLOTPTAX % native taxa as intolerant lotic FISH NAT_INTLMIGRNTAX Number of native intolerant migratory taxa FISH NAT_INTLMIGRPIND % native individuals as intolerant migratory FISH NAT_INTLMIGRPTAX % native taxa as intolerant migratory FISH NAT_INTLNTAX No. distinct intolerant native taxa based on TOLERANCE_NRSA 0 FISH NAT_INTLPIND % Intolerant native individuals based on TOLERANCE_NRSA 0 100 FISH NAT_INTLPTAX % Intolerant native taxa based on TOLERANCE_NRSA 0 100 FISH NAT_INTLRHEONTAX Number of native intolerant rheophilic taxa FISH NAT_INTLRHEOPIND % native individuals as intolerant rheophilic FISH NAT_INTLRHEOPTAX % native taxa as intolerant rheophilic FISH NAT_INVNTAX Number of native invertivores taxa FISH NAT_INVPIND % native individuals as invertivores FISH NAT_INVPTAX % native taxa as invertivores FISH NAT_LITHNTAX Number of native simple lithophils taxa FISH NAT_LITHPIND % native individuals as simple lithophils FISH NAT_LITHPTAX % native taxa as simple lithophils FISH NAT_LOTNTAX Number of native lotic taxa FISH NAT_LOTPIND % native individuals as lotic FISH NAT_LOTPTAX % native taxa as lotic FISH NAT_MIGRNTAX No. native migratory taxa 0 FISH NAT_MIGRPIND % native individuals as migratory 0 100 FISH NAT_MIGRPTAX % native taxa as migratory 0 100 FISH NAT_MTOLNTAX No. distinct intermediate tolerant native taxa based on TOLERANCE_NRSA 0 FISH NAT_MTOLPIND % Intermediate tolerant native individuals based on TOLERANCE_NRSA 0 100 FISH NAT_MTOLPTAX % intermediate tolerant native taxa based on TOLERANCE_NRSA 0 100 FISH NAT_NTOLBENTNTAX No. native non-tolerant benthic taxa based on TOLERANCE_NRSA 0 FISH NAT_NTOLBENTPIND % native non-tolerant benthic individuals based on TOLERANCE_NRSA 0 100 FISH NAT_NTOLBENTPTAX % native non-tolerant benthic taxa based on TOLERANCE_NRSA 0 100 FISH NAT_NTOLCARNNTAX No. native non-tolerant carnivore taxa based on TOLERANCE_NRSA FISH NAT_NTOLCARNPIND % native non-tolerant carnivore individuals based on TOLERANCE_NRSA FISH NAT_NTOLCARNPTAX % native non-tolerant carnivore taxa based on TOLERANCE_NRSA FISH NAT_NTOLINVNTAX No. native non-tolerant invertivore taxa based on TOLERANCE_NRSA FISH NAT_NTOLINVPIND % native non-tolerant invertivore individuals based on TOLERANCE_NRSA FISH NAT_NTOLINVPTAX % native non-tolerant invertivore taxa based on TOLERANCE_NRSA FISH NAT_NTOLNTAX No. native non-tolerant taxa based on TOLERANCE_NRSA FISH NAT_NTOLPIND % native non-tolerant individuals based on TOLERANCE_NRSA FISH NAT_NTOLPTAX % native non-tolerant taxa based on TOLERANCE_NRSA FISH NAT_OMNINTAX No. native omnivore taxa FISH NAT_OMNIPIND % native individuals as omnivore FISH NAT_OMNIPTAX % native taxa as omnivore FISH NAT_PIND native % of total individuals 0 100 FISH NAT_PTAX native % of total taxa 0 100 FISH NAT_RBCATONTAX No. native round-bodied sucker taxa FISH NAT_RBCATOPIND % native individuals as round-bodied sucker FISH NAT_RBCATOPTAX % native taxa as round-bodied sucker FISH NAT_RHEONTAX No. native rheophilic taxa FISH NAT_RHEOPIND % native individuals as rheophilic FISH NAT_RHEOPTAX % native taxa as rheophilic FISH NAT_SALMNTAX No. native salmonid taxa FISH NAT_SALMPIND % native individuals as salmonid FISH NAT_SALMPTAX % native taxa as salmonid FISH NAT_TOLRNTAX No. distinct Tolerant native taxa based on TOLERANCE_NRSA 0 FISH NAT_TOLRPIND % Tolerant native individuals based on TOLERANCE_NRSA 0 100 FISH NAT_TOLRPTAX % Tolerant native taxa based on TOLERANCE_NRSA 0 100 FISH NAT_TOTLNIND Total native individuals 0 FISH NAT_TOTLNTAX Total native taxa 0 FISH NAT_WTD_TV Weighted average tolerance value among natives FISH NTOLBENTNTAX No. non-tolerant benthic taxa FISH NTOLBENTPIND % non-tolerant benthic individuals FISH NTOLBENTPTAX % non-tolerant benthic taxa FISH NTOLCARNNTAX No. non-tolerant carnivore taxa 0 FISH NTOLCARNPIND % non-tolerant carnivore individuals 0 100 FISH NTOLCARNPTAX % non-tolerant carnivore taxa 0 100 FISH NTOLINVNTAX No. non-tolerant invertivore taxa 0 FISH NTOLINVPIND % non-tolerant invertivore individuals 0 100 FISH NTOLINVPTAX % non-tolerant invertivore taxa 0 100 FISH NTOLNTAX no. non-tolerant (TOLERANCE_NRSA=(S)ensitive/(I)ntermediate) taxa 0 FISH NTOLPIND % non-tolerant (TOLERANCE_NRSA=(S)ensitive/(I)ntermediate) individuals 0 100 FISH NTOLPTAX % non-tolerant (TOLERANCE_NRSA=(S)ensitive/(I)ntermediate) taxa 0 100 FISH OMNINTAX No. omnivore taxa 0 FISH OMNIPIND % omnivore individuals 0 100 FISH OMNIPTAX % omnivore taxa 0 100 DESIGN PSTL_CODE State two-letter postal code DESIGN PSTL_CODE "State two letter postal code 50 state postal codes plus AS, MP, GU, PR, VI for American Samoa, Commonwealth of Northern Marianas, Guam, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands. No missing values allowed." PUBLICATION_DATE Date of data file publication PUBLICATION_DATE Date of data file publication PUBLICATION_DATE Date of data file publication FISH RBCATONTAX No. round-bodied sucker taxa FISH RBCATOPIND % round-bodied sucker individuals FISH RBCATOPTAX % round-bodied sucker taxa FISH RHEONTAX No. rheophilic taxa FISH RHEOPIND % rheophilic individuals FISH RHEOPTAX % rheophilic taxa FISH SALMNTAX No. Salmonid taxa 0 FISH SALMPIND % Salmonid individuals 0 100 FISH SALMPTAX % Salmonid taxa 0 100 SAMPLE_TYPE Sample type SAMPLE_TYPE Sample type SAMPLE_TYPE Sample type FISH SAMPLED_FISH Whether site sampled sufficiently VERIF SITE_ID Site ID DESIGN SITE_ID "Site ID for the study and year sampled. Preferred form is NRSnn_MM-xxxxx where nn is current cycle year (04, 08, 13, 18, etc), MM is two letter state code, and xxxxx is between 10001 and 99999. Text. No missing values allowed." DESIGN SITETYPE Site type (Probability-based or hand-picked) PROB | HAND SITETYPE "Site type (Probability-based or hand-picked). PROB for sites from probability survey. Usually HAND for hand-picked sites. In EMAP West and WSA, STARHAND is used to identify hand-picked sites that do not have all CORE indicators available." FISH TOLRNTAX No. distinct Tolerant taxa based on TOLERANCE_NRSA 0 FISH TOLRPIND % Tolerant individuals based on TOLERANCE_NRSA 0 100 FISH TOLRPTAX % Tolerant taxa based on TOLERANCE_NRSA 0 100 FISH TOTLNIND Total no. individuals 0 FISH TOTLNTAX Total no. distinct taxa 0 UID Unique site visit ID UID Unique site visit ID UID Unique site visit ID VERIF VISIT_NO Number identifying which visit this is |1|2 FISH WTD_TV "Hilsenhoff Biotic Index (HBI), sum of TV_i*prop_i, where TV_i=tolerance value for species i and prop_i=proportion of taxon i in sample, based on all taxa in sample" 0 10