SAMPLE_TYPE PARAMETER LABEL LEGAL_VALUES RANGE_LOW RANGE_HIGH VERIF DATE_COL Date of data collection in field VERIF INDEX_VISIT Index visit Y/blank VERIF SITE_ID Site ID DESIGN SITE_ID "Site ID for the study and year sampled. Preferred form is NRSnn_MM-xxxxx where nn is current cycle year (04, 08, 13, 18, etc), MM is two letter state code, and xxxxx is between 10001 and 99999. Text. No missing values allowed." LANDSCAPE SITE_ID Unique Site ID assigned for NRSA13-14 UID Unique site visit ID VERIF VISIT_NO Number identifying which visit this is |1|2 VERIF YEAR Year of sampling FPLG MERCURY_MDL Minimum Detection Limit for Mercury in Fish Tissue - NG/G FPLG MERCURY_RESULT Result for Mercury in Fish Tissue - NG/G FPLG MERCURY_RL Reporting Limit for Mercury in Fish Tissue - NG/G FPLL MERCURY_DATA_FLAG Laboratory or OW flag of result for Mercury FPLG MERCURY_DATA_FLAG Laboratory or OW flag of result for Mercury FPLL MERCURY_COMMENT Comment to indicate reason mercury data not used in assessment FPLG MERCURY_COMMENT Comment to indicate reason mercury data not used in assessment FPLG MERCURY_FLAG Flag assigned to associated comment for Mercury in Fish Tissue - NG/G FPLG MERCURY_RESULT Value of associated parameter for Mercury in Fish Tissue - NG/G FPLG MERCURY_COMMENT Descriptive comment. for Mercury in Fish Tissue - NG/G