Example Air Quality Analysis Checklist This checklist formerly appeared as Appendix C of the Guideline on Air Quality Models (published as Appendix W to 40 CFR Part 51). The checklist has been moved to this website to reduce Appendix W text in CFR, and because the checklist itself is not as useful as it perhaps once was and is in need of revision. This checklist recommends a standardized set of data and a standard basic level of analysis needed for PSD applications and SIP revisions. The checklist implies a level of detail required to assess both PSD increments and the NAAQS. Individual cases may require more or less information and the Regional modeling contact should be consulted at an early stage in the development of a data base for a modeling analysis. At pre-application meetings between source owner and reviewing authority, this checklist should prove useful in developing a consensus on the data base, modeling techniques and overall technical approach prior to the actual analyses. Such agreement will help avoid misunderstandings concerning the final results and may reduce the later need for additional analyses.