File: ABSTRACT.TXT MMSOILS Model System Abstract Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling (CEAM) National Exposure Research Laboratory - Ecosystems Research Division Office of Research and Development (ORD) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) 960 College Station Road Athens, Georgia 30605-2700 706/355-8400 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary The document "MMSOILS: Multimedia Contaminant Fate, Transport, and Exposure Model, Documentation and User's Manual Version 4.0" describes the methodology used by MMSOILS for estimating the human exposure and health risk associated with releases of contamination from hazardous waste sites. The methodology consists of a multimedia model that addresses the transport of a chemical in groundwater, surface water, soil erosion, the atmosphere, and accumulation in the foodchain. The human exposure pathways considered in the methodology include: soil ingestion, air inhalation of volatiles and particulates, dermal contact, ingestion of drinking water, consumption of fish, consumption of plants grown in contaminated soil, and consumption of animals grazing on contaminated pasture. For multimedia exposures, the methodology provides estimates of human exposure through individual pathways and combined exposure through all pathways considered. The risk associated with the total exposure dose is calculated based on chemical-specific toxicity data. The methodology is intended for use as a screening tool. It is critical that the results are interpreted in the appropriate framework. The intended use of the exposure assessment tool is for screening and relative comparison of different waste sites, remediation activities, and hazard evaluation. The methodology can be used to provide an estimate of health risks for a specific site. Since the uncertainty of the estimated risk may be quite large (depending on the site characteristics and available data), MMSOILS addresses these uncertainties via Monte Carlo analysis. Documentation The MMSOILS User's Manual is available in the following (binary, non-ASCII) files; *.EPS (Encapsulated Post Script), *.WP6 (WordPerfect 6.x), *.DOC (MicroSoft Word 6.0), *.XLS (MicroSoft Excel); and the following (non-binary, ASCII) files; *.TXT in the DOCUMENT sub-directory. Refer to file READ.ME in the README sub-directory for further information on the storage format and printing requirements of these files. #########################