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Smart Sectors

EPA Great Lakes: Smart Sectors Program

On this page:

In EPA's Great Lakes Region, Smart Sectors is located in the Office of the Regional Administrator, where the sector leads engage with Regional leadership across the land, water, air, and chemical program offices, as well as with national program offices at EPA's headquarters.

At EPA Region 5, program leads for each sector will:

  • Serve as ombudsmen within the Region across program offices
  • Conduct educational site visits and host roundtables with Regional EPA leadership
  • Analyze data and advise on forward-thinking options for environmental improvement
  • Maintain meaningful, open dialogue with regional and national trade association partners and their environmental committees
  • Develop regional reports, as needed, that profile the impact of each sector on the economy and the environment

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EPA Region 5 (Great Lakes) Smart Sectors


On December 11, 2019, EPA Great Lakes Region launched Smart Sectors by meeting with each of its state Chambers of Commerce. EPA listened to the individuals present discuss current industry sector conditions, priorities, and emerging issues in each of their states.

On December 17, 2019, EPA Region 5 jointly hosted a Smart Sectors meeting with EPA Region 7 in Lenexa, Kansas, which was more focused on agriculture and specifically hearing from renewable fuels representatives from across the Midwest to better inform environmental protection programs.

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News & Upcoming Events

Stay connected (below) and bookmark this page for updates on Smart Sectors news and events. If you have a roundtable, conference, or group interested in hosting an event focused on achieving better environmental outcomes, please let us know at the email address below.

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Stay Connected

For more information on the Region 5 Smart Sectors Program, please send an email with your name, affiliation, and sector(s) of interest to Jon Grosshans at or 312-353-5617.  

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