This Source Book was prepared in 2003 by EPA Region 10 to provide guidance on the Clean Water Act permitting processes and associated National Environmental Policy Act environmental review requirements for new metal mining operations in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. This guidance has three specific purposes. First, it is intended to explain the specific requirements of the CWA as they may pertain to new mines. It is hoped that a better understanding of EPA’s mandates and authorities will provide a basis for understanding why certain information is often requested as part of the CWA permitting processes. Second, this document describes the types of information that EPA Region 10 generally needs to process permit applications and perform environmental reviews in an efficient and timely manner. By articulating these information needs, EPA hopes that the mining industry will realize time and cost savings during the permitting process by avoiding surprises, false starts, and the need for additional gathering and/or analysis of technical data. Finally, the guidance is intended to promote predictability and consistency within Region 10 to ensure mine development, operation, and closure occur in an environmentally sound manner.
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EPA and Hardrock Mining Source Book (PDF)(464 pp, 8 MB,
EPA and Hardrock Mining Source Book: A Source Book for Industry in the Northwest and Alaska