SmartWay Global Collaboration
EPA has taken key steps to reduce the environmental impacts of freight transportation through regulations and voluntary programs, both at home and abroad.
For more than a decade, EPA has been a leader working with countries, business partners, and other organizations around the world to improve and promote global freight supply chain strategies and develop programs like SmartWay.
SmartWay is recognized by foreign governments and business leaders in other countries as one of the best ways to improve freight efficiency and reduce costs while also reducing air pollution and enhancing competitiveness, energy security, and sustainable economic development.
EPA has developed resources to help you learn about North American and other global initiatives as well as a resource for modeling a program after SmartWay.
- SmartWay in North America
- U.S. Cooperation
- Driver Training
- Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC)
- Canada
- Mexico
- U.S. Cooperation
- Global Freight Supply Chain Programs
- Global Green Freight Action Plan
- SmartWay collaboration and related programs
- Modeling Global Programs after SmartWay
- SmartWay training curriculum
- Manual
- Teacher Trainer Guide
- Supplemental classroom material
- Technology verification training curriculum (available summer 2016)
- SmartWay training curriculum